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Khasanian Calendar

The Khasanian Calendar was created by the Democracy of Algov Khasan created a calendar as the foremost hegemony during the Era of Revival. As there had not been a globally accepted dating scheme since the time of the Ascended States, the Khasanian Calendar quickly became the world-wide normal. There is a total of 360 days within the Suuser Year.
The following a list to of the days of the week and their equivalent day:
  • Protaday: Monday
  • Ovarsday: Tuesday
  • Nirmaaday: Wednesday
  • Takaday: Thursday
  • Muukday: Friday
  • Mohalday: Saturday
  • Teefday: Sunday

The following lists the amount of days within each month:
  1. Narater: 29
  2. Koldary: 36
  3. Aluter: 22
  4. Zidust: 29
  5. Lorcustus: 36
  6. Yodie: 20
  7. Skay: 29
  8. Ichia: 29
  9. Bashaach: 36
  10. Dargoni: 29
  11. Yaot: 36
  12. Grember: 29

Record, Judicial
Authoring Date
962 B.I.


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