Manacule Cryo-Engine Technology / Science in Aluth | World Anvil
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Manacule Cryo-Engine

The Manacule Cryo-Engine is the only legal way to produce energy within the country of Provecta. The engine emits no carbon or greenhouse gasses, and is an entirely "green" source of energy.
The inventor of the Manacule Cryo-Engine was Quintus Lurio and his team of scientists from the Kingdom of Catresal.
The Manacule Cryo-Engine is an extremely complex machine, and its innerworkings and mechanisms are kept in absolute secrecy, and any individual found owning, reverse engineering, or deconstruction of an unlicsensed.
A meeting between the then simple teenaged farmer Quintus Lurio and the Queen of Catresal Eleni Kellellis had led to them both having a conversationg with the Twin Gods Plyy. God Py and Goddess Ly had given them the knowledge and rudimentery knowledge of how to create the Manacule Cryo-Engine.


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