Ellén Trechend Species in Alvez | World Anvil
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Ellén Trechend

Basic Information


The Ellén Trechend is a large bird, resembling a vulture with three heads. It is known for its monstrous size, ranging from the size of a horse to the size of a small cottage.   Each of the three heads on the end of a long neck act can independently, but typically operate as a single unit, overwhelming prey and attackers with multiple attacks. A gland in their long throats shoots a gasoline-like substance, which can be ignited, allowing each head to spit a corrosive fire.   The creature stands on two taloned feet, with winged forelimbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ellén Trechend lay clutches of 5-10 eggs, with roughly 3-4 surviving to adulthood. Mothers typically raise their young for a short time, during which they grow self-sufficient at a fast rate.

Ecology and Habitats

The Ellén Trechend typically resides in moundlike caves, resembling tumuli, as well as moorland and karst landscapes. Areas claimed by Ellén Trechend are identifiable a ring of burnt landscape surrounding these mounds, typically littered with charred trees and carcasses.   Ellén Trechend typically spend most of the night underground, emerging to eat during the daylight hours.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ellén Trechend are carnivorous, preferring carrion but not hesitant to attack living creatures, ranging from Bediz and cattle to young wyverns and drakes. Ellén Trechend will typically hunt in groups of 5 to ten, using their razor-sharp beaks and claws to tear at flesh. The creatures cook their food before eating, dousing it is gouts of fiery breath that leaves a carcass charred black.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ellén Trechend are almost xenophobic in their penchant to attack anything that is not Ellén Trechend, with some exceptions, such as the Arcadian Brassbeak and other small creatures beneath its notice. The creatures live in small flocks, typically around a dozen members.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Ellén Trechend has never been domesticated, however, they are used by the Tohoseguéannets as a form of omnicidal warfare, burying eggs near enemy settlements and abandoning the surface before they hatch. These creatures have also been deployed defensively, their natural aggression making them effective guardians against both approaching soldiers and windships.   Ellén Trechend are often sealed inside of vaults, kept alive and fed, then released to defend against attackers. They have no qualms about devouring their handlers and feeders, so their use is not widespread.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Ellén Trechend was first recorded in central Emain Ablach, where it was unleashed from a tumuli by the Tuatha de Danaan, inflicting great havoc on the surrounding area. It quickly spread throughout the Fortunate Isles and into Albia, wiping out local wildlife.   While largely found on the islands, the creatures have become a permanent fixture of continental life as well, smuggled across the Mor Breizh by Tohoseguéannets and released across Letha, Normandi and Akitania.   The creatures have been found as far south as the Meneziou Gwenn and as far east as the Kingdom of Arle, but rivalry with local fauna has prevented their further spread.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Ellén Trechend often coexist with the Arcadian Brassbeak, an invasive species from the Sea of Wine. These small copper-red birds live near Ellén Trechend lairs, acting as an early warning system and will mob attackers and prey. In exchange, they are given the leftovers of larger prey killed by the larger bird.
Geographic Distribution


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