Military action
The Erlking is routed by an unprecedented alliance of Camelot, Ys, Gallian tribes and the Courts of Summer and Winter.
In Armorica and Albia, the advance of the Queens of Summer and Winter began to slow, resisted by the might of Camelot and Ys, but in the West, the Erlking sacked what would become Per-Ys, continuing his slow, but steady march to the ruins of Remus on the Shattered Peninsula. The Erlking's armies only marched sporadically, vanishing into the mists and reappearing some time later, making them impossible to predict or meet in direct combat. Strongholds continued to fall to the riders. King Riotham of Camelot and Gradlon of Ys united in an alliance, and demanded and audience with the Queens of Summer and Winter. Aided by the backing of Menez-Mikael and Fjallkonan. The Erlking's March threatened them all and had to be stopped. Seeing the merit of the claims, an unprecedented alliance