Aehir Magic

Magic the Aehir way, is a type of magic on Alvunne Continent. It is generated by mining and processing specific types of rock. Aehir magic is attributed to Aehir, ancient god of planets, rocks and war.  


Different types of magical rock formations can be found and mined in eht Alvunne Saga. Each is formed in another way and is used to different ends.  

The Formations


Igneous Lazuli

Once every hundred or so years, the volcanoes on the Home Planets generate Igneous Lazuli, a very potent magic channeling material. It is useless on its own, but can be infused with Lightshade flowers to activate its powers. This combo can be used by magicians to increase their elemental magic powers.  

Blossom Ore

Blossom Ore is a rare type of magical rock that can be found deep underground inside each of the Home Planets. They are metamorphic and so are formed when a protolith is subjected to great temperatures over a long period of time. It is mostly used in weapons and protective spells & talismans.


The peoples of Astra Netheris named this magical material Driftstone as it was discovered in sedimentary rock formations of ancient rivers and oceans all over the Home Planets. It is tougher than any other building material and is mostly used in fortified structures and temples.


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