
The Dassaï are one of the only Ancient Races to still inhabit the solar system. At this time, they live on the planet of Luq. They wield the power of Nehter Magic and have done so for centuries. Dassaï have evolved to feed on magical essence and not need any other type of sustinence. They can live for hundreds of years and are difficult to get rid of.
  Once a thriving society, the remaining Dassaï are but remnants of their glorious past. They once inhabited the planet of Yazid before it was broken into shards back during the Fardaï wars. They used to be inventors and conquerors, and created an entire race of humanoids; the Fardaï.
  Appearance Dassaï are skinny, floating creatures that lack legs entirely. They are boney and their skin is icy blue. As their bodies changed over time, their language evolved to compensate their lack of lips.
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