Prism Veil

The Prism Veil is the magical barrier that surrounds Alvunne Continent. It has a myriad of functions. It...
  • keeps Alvunne's atmosphere in, making life on the Continent possible
  • protects Alvunne from the dangers of space, like meteorites, radiation, ...
  • contains a magical orb that orbits the Continent and mimics the power of the Sun.
This means that the Veil is responsible for the atmosphere, but also for the presence of a Sun and a weather system.  

Daily life

The people living on Alvunne Continent are not aware of the Veil's existence, apart from certain elites and most state leaders. The people just see clouds in the blue sky and the Sun moving around their continent. There's day and night, and they are aware that their land mass is limited.    


This Veil is a magnificent piece of engineering. It combines the powers of all Magical Resources in the world of Alvunne. Let's discover how all this works together using an image.   The Continent consists of an upside, where the Hatilan Humans live, and a downside, where the Dassaï live. Both sides are affected by their own gravitational power towards the Core.  
  1. The Core
    This Core is a cavern deep inside Alvunne Continent, which is mainly made of Igneous Lazuli. The Core serves as a potent power generator for the Prism Veil forcefield.
  2. Prism Pillars
    These pillars channel the magical power upwards to the Power Capitals.
  3. Power Capitals
    The capitals generate a constant power burst that distributes the Veil's forcefield layer outward. The forcefield forms an orb that starts in one capital and reconnects in the other capital, which is located on the other side, enveloping the Continent.
  Inside the Core, we find:
A. Mahi-Touched Flowers:
All sides of the Core are covered with magical flowers. They grow, die off and regrow continuously. It's a magical eco-system in its own right. They together eject a magical essence into the Core's air.
  B. Pools
Magical pools of water drain the magical powers in the air. They are connected on opposite sides by a continuous dripping towards each other.
  C. Dassaï Menhirs
The flow of magical power had to be jumpstarted by Dassaï magic. This humanoid race can channel magic through their own bodies and are the only ones who don't require any resources to channel. The menhirs served as the ignition and have to be maintained properly.


Prism Veiles were orignally much smaller and were shed-sized, greenhouse-like domes. They generated fertile plots of land on Yazid, the barren frozen Dassaï homeplanet. They generated food for the planet's visitors, merchants and garrisons. It's only hundreds of years later that the technology was scaled up to create the atmosphere dome around Alvunne Continent.
Access & Availability
This technology has only ever been used on such a massive scale for the Alvunne Continent. It's difficult to reproduce and requires resources on a massive scale. If other instances even exist, they have not been recorded by historians.

The Prism Veil technology was discovered by a joint team of Dassaï and Graecorian researchers. The research center was located on the planet of Illera, one of the Home Planets.

Related Species




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Aug 18, 2024 02:49 by Kwyn Marie

Interesting concept. Like the drawings. They add a lot to the article.

Aug 23, 2024 15:18 by Aldus Ken

Thanks! ^^ Do let me know if you have a favourite among your Summer Camp entries I can read during my livestream next Thursday ^^ I'll do a shoutout!

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!
Aug 27, 2024 05:39 by Kwyn Marie

Hi! I do have a favorite:   The pirates are a lot of fun to write.

Aug 28, 2024 11:13 by Aldus Ken

Alrighty! I'll check that one out tomorrow ^^

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!