Grey Poppy

A Grey Poppy is the most common of the Mhi-touched plants. It's not very potent magic-wise but grows well in many different biotopes. What magical power it holds, is found mostly in the roots. These can be used for healing practices. Discover more about magical power in Maha Magic.  


Grey poppies have small greyish blue flowers can be found in lush fields, savanna areas, in most forest types. It has strong, thick roots brimming with magical essence. The flowers are the least potent ones magic-wise of all the Mahi-touched flowers.  


This flower was the first to be cultivated and processed en masse. It used to be a symbol of power in very ancient communities in the Astra Netheris solar system. Interestingly, it was discovered on each of the three habitable planets around the same time. Since the discovery of first Blue Poppies and later the Rock Bloom and Lightshade plants, Grey Poppies have lost most of their popularity. Even so, their versatility and potency towards healing and use in communications tools still make them a widespread commodity.  

On Alvunne

On Alvunne Continent, one can sometimes find these plants in the wild, but not as much on fields anymore. As the continent is drying up, most communities prefer to grow food rather than magical plants.   Most potent part: roots
Geographic Distribution


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