Mahi Magic

Magic the Mahi way, is a type of magic in the Alvunne Saga. It is generated by cultivating plants and processing parts of it to fit one's needs. Mahi magic is attributed to Mahi, ancient god of fauna, fertility & royalty.  


Mahi magic is channeled through different parts of magical plants that are "touched by Mahi"; Mahi-touched plants.   Specific parts of a Mahi-touched plant have specific properties. In general, one can distinguish four usable parts on these plant. These parts can be processed in any number of ways and combined with many other magical & non-magical materials. Each combination can generate a different type of power.    
One can, for example, grind the roots of a Grey Poppy, add one full leaf of the Blue Poppy and mix that with water fitered through an Igneous Lazuli. Do this in a thin bowl made out of Driftstone, and you'll have created a communications device. It can even communicate with a bowl on the other side of the Continent.
This part of the plant is the most difficult to cultivate and harvest, but it is the most potent. It contains some pure magical essence, also known as Neread. Its natural completeness and mathematical perfection makes it perfect for channeling elemental magic.  
Never grind or further process the flower of a Mahi-touched plant. You're just gonna make a mess. - Maerun, the 19th Omniarch
    Stem & leaves
These are not very potent magic-wise. Though it has hallucinogenic properties once eaten. It is also the most efficient ingredient if you'd like to create a source of power that resembles electricity. This is done by grinding the leaf. The second most potent part of the plant, this part can also be easily processed. It's used to imbue items with magic. Even though it requires a lot of Mhri touched stems, one can use this power to bring to life a mech armor style golem, made out of Blossom Ore. This is an example of combining Mahi magic (plants) and Aehir magic (rock).   Roots
This is the least potent part of the plant, but it has strong healing capabilities. And it is most easily processed and combined with Aehir Materials.          

The plants

Find the different species of magical flowering plants touched by Mhri below. With each of them, the stem also photosynthesize. Rock Bloom is the only exception.    

Grey Poppies

A Grey Poppy is the most common of the Mhi-touched plants. It's not very potent magic-wise but grows well in many different biotopes. What magical power it holds, is found mostly in the roots. These can be used for healing practices. Discover more about magical power in The magic system.   Most powerful part magic-wise: roots  

Blue Poppies

A Blue Poppy is a climber. They can grow on the soil but most definitely also on tall trees. They can be found in tropical rainforests, and sometimes near a large enough swamp. These plants were nearly exploited to extinction not long after their discovery.   Most powerful part magic-wise: stem  


The Lightshade is very rare and can only be found in deserts or - peculiarly - underwater. They're especially sought for their magically powerful flowers which boast bright and glowing shades of yellow.   Most potent part: flower  


Rockbloom is a rare plant with large leaves growing closely to the stem. They're used to protect the plant from the freezing temperatures it faces in the mountain heights. Growing high up has protected them from exploitation by the races of the Home Planets and on Alvunne.   Most potent part: leaves


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