
The Lightshade is very rare and can only be found in deserts or - peculiarly - underwater. They're especially sought for their magically powerful flowers.  


A Lightshade has a bright yellow fower and a soft but broad stem. It has thorns all over and only small leaves. It can grow inthe desert, but prefers the mix of water and dry heat found in an oasis. If found here, the specimen growing under water have narrow but slightly elastic stems.  


Lightshade was discovered about one hundred years after Blue Poppies, and three hundred years after the Grey Poppy. The fact its flowers are very potent, made them the origin of conflict between the magician's orders. Their discorvery ushered a new age of wars all over the solar system of Astra Netheris. Especially Dassaï fought over their dominance. Using these flowers, they became a dominant race in the system for many centuries.   Side note: Do keep in mind that Humans and most other races are poor magic users. Even with this flower, they require many years of training.  

On Alvunne

If one would be determined to find one of these Lightshade on Alvunne Continent, one would have to travel through the desert in the North. It would not only be a pleasant trip through hardship, but would also get one a target on their back. These flowers are endangered and possession is restricted by the Omniarch.


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