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Bosh Savindarra

Bosh Savindarra Head Advisor to King Damon of Illyara Bosh Orenn

Entry Mevamm 5th, 2489

  My knighting ceremony is tonight. I have finally finished my squirship and I’m ready to be a Knight of Cord. I will be getting my assignment tonight as well. My training was long and honest hard work but I’m sure after tonight it will all be worth it.

Entry Mevamm 6th, 2489

  It was not worth it… they are sending me to the desert. The fucking desert. I have to get on a ship, sail for weeks to Portcity then walk in the desert for weeks to get to Illyara. Apparently the king there is having a hard time getting his son to train to become a knight. So I get a hot trip to the desert and some snot Prince squire to take care of. Great for me. Cord please give me the strength to not kill this child.

Entry Mevamm 18th, 2489

  I hate boats. The whole concept of boats is stupid. I was sick the entire trip and now the only place I can stay for the night in Portcity is a whore house. This is not how a Knight of Cord should be treated. I know Cord has a purpose for me. I just don’t see how this is a good use of my skills. I’m the youngest knight the church has ever seen dammit. This is bullshit.

Entry Mevamm 24th, 2489

  This desert is going to be the death of me. Traveling alone in the desert was not a good idea. Why are there so many blue dragons in the desert! I’ve already had to kill two of them. At least I was able to get some valuable parts off of it but damn those things as a pain in the ass. I’ve got a pretty good gash on my side now. I’m almost out of water though so I don’t know how the next seven days or so goes.

Entry Mevamm 29th, 2489

  The Ajinn saved me. They are fascinating. I’ve never seen creatures like them. They are alive because of a crystallized energy stone in their chest acting as a heart. One found me ready to die of thirst and infection. Hard to keep a wound clean and have enough water in this environment. But he found me and gave me his water stone and healed my side. When I asked him why he just bowed at me and walked away. Very interesting creature.

Entry Vrozot 2nd, 2489

  I have made it to the castle of Illyara. I met the king, I can already tell him and I will not get along. I haven’t met this Prince yet but I’ve been told I will meet him tomorrow and begin training him. The king wants him ready to lead a dragon raid party in a year. We shall see if that is possible. Also I was told his name is Damon.

Entry Vrozot 3rd, 2489

  This Prince is useless. Absolutely useless. He’s older than I am but yet I’m told he’s still a teenager? I don’t understand Eladrin. And I really don’t understand how I’m supposed to train a kid to be a leader in a year when he can’t even lift his own body weight. He somehow managed to set the training grounds on fire as well… by running into a torch… Cord help me.

Entry Vycest 11th, 2489

  I’ve been working with Prince Damon for a month now. I can say he still cannot hold his own weight but at least he didn’t set fire to the city more than once. I’m starting to gather that maybe physical strength is not his best trait. But at least he wants to learn. If I could get him to shut up though that would be very helpful for my sanity.

Entry Qtaph 16th, 2489

  I spoke with the king a week ago about switching Damon’s focus to magic. He has a natural talent for it and I can feel the magical energy pouring from him. I don’t think physical fighting like the king wants is best for him. The king threatened to request a new knight from the church if I couldn’t get the Prince in line.

Entry Bivits 24th, 2489

  Damon and I are currently sleeping in the desert for a week. I could tell he wasn’t happy and wasn’t learning anything inside the city. So here I am sweating my balls off for this kid. He seems in a better mood since we got out the gates though. I can’t really blame him though if I had a father like that up my ass all the time I’d probably be a brat who talks back as well. Damons’ a good kid, he just needs to learn how to not be so uptight all the time.

Entry Bivits 18th, 2489

  Damon came home as a man. I’m so proud of him. He saved my life, killed an adult blue dragon, and dragged the entire head of the dragon through the city and all about threw it at his fathers feet in the war room. Then Damon told his father he was done trying to be a knight and wants to train to be a mage. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling ear to ear as the king's face dropped. Damon asked what I plan on doing since he’s no longer training. I told him that he will still need a sparring partner even if he’s just throwing fireballs at me the whole fight. That got him to laugh and I could see how relieved he was to know that I’m staying. I still hate the desert but it’s not so bad now.

Entry Mevamm 8th, 2490

  I just realized that I lost my journal in the desert… time to start a new one I guess. I’ve been moved to a top ranking Knight of Illyara. I think my new title is something like Knight of Cord of Illyara? I’m not sure on that one yet. I think I’ll just stick to Bosh. I’ve now been awarded the responsibilities of leading parties outside the city for official matters, participating in more blue dragon raids, and of course keeping an eye on Damon.

Entry Moqosius 17th, 2491

  I’ve become close with an Eladrin woman. She’s beautiful in every way and has a deep connection to the earth. She will become a fine Druid one day, I have no doubt. I left her a potted orchid with a note in her chambers today. I hope she likes it.

Shy by Midjourney

Bosh's note: "This is for you. It's green like your skin. I thought it was pretty enough to stand beside you."
— Bosh

Entry Moqosius 1st, 2494

  Damon has become an Arch Mage today. In just three years he has become the highest ranking of mage one can become. I’ve watched him grow tremendously over these past three years. I’ve seen him fall, I’ve seen him leading raiding and kill dragons, I’ve seen him stand up to his father, I was there the day his father died. I watched the stress leave Damons’ body when he heard the king passed, I watched him not cry at the king’s funeral, I watched him rejoice with the city when his sister was crowned Queen of Illyara. And I can honestly say I would never find a better best friend than him, even though he likes to frequent the whore house…

Entry Mevamm 1st, 2497

  Welp… Damon got his wish. He finally did it. He finally found a way to sneak out of the city and joined our party despite the fact that his sister, the queen, forbade him from leaving. My battalion was tasked to investigate the recent red dragon sightings just outside the desert. Red dragons don’t come down from the mountains this far so the sightings are very concerning. Damon’s fought and killed plenty of blue dragons. But red dragons are a different story…

Entry Mevamm 7th, 2497

  I lost him. I can’t believe I lost him. This Dark Elf just took him. She stole him. I’ll never forgive myself if he dies. I must find him. I won’t rest until I find him.
Current Status
Head Advisory Council of Illyara
Current Location
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paladin Knight of Cord

Articles under Bosh Savindarra

Cover image: Bosh The Strongman by Midjourney AI


Author's Notes

I gave Bosh his name by combining two languages and the words perfect in Croatian and strength in Basque. I didn’t want to use regular words in my irregular world but wanted to convey his natural gift of strength somehow. I realized when I researched the languages that I tend to pull from the Spanish languages more than others.

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Sep 8, 2023 23:39

Thus far, the story you're telling with this character is very interesting. I keep hearing the journal entries in Master Chief's voice from Halo. I don't know why.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Sep 9, 2023 17:13

Yes!!! I love that! Definitely on the right track for what’s in my head as well! Thank you for your positive words!

Sep 9, 2023 20:21

You're welcome. I look forward to reading the stories that you attach to this character.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Sep 12, 2023 22:26

Wow! I saw this was on the most liked articles as of the last seven days! Congrats!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Sep 13, 2023 19:14

Wow I didn’t even know that! Thank you so much!!

Sep 13, 2023 23:23

You're welcome. And, once again, I would love to see more about this character in the near future.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16