Gnaeus Dorus Brontus

Dux Gnaeus Dorus (a.k.a. Brontus)

Gnaeus Dorus, called Brontus, was born Gnaeus the Uminerosi, the son of a shoemaker in the unimportant Itarosan town of Uminero. At the age of fifteen, he joined the legions. He rose quickly to the rank of Centurion, where he was noticed and adopted into the senatorial Dorus family and given the cognomen Brontus. He moved to Itaros and served as a backbencher and tribune for several years, gaining notoriety. Eventually, he was selected to be a legate in the forces of Gaius Porpurius Dosato, who was to be the Governor of Avernalos. After several years in Avernalos, Dosato died of the flux, and Emperos Estinos IV named Brontus Dux of Avernalos Province, withholding the more traditional title of Legatus Augusti proparetore because of Brontus' low birth. Brontus served with distinction, earning the respect of both the Itarosans in the province, as well as the Oeveri. In 7688 AF, he presided over the withdrawal of the Itaros Imperium from Avernalos Province, on the order of Estinos IV. He was killed in battle with orcs two years later.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
7646 7691 45 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Low birth
Circumstances of Death
Died in battle with the orcs of the north
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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