
Humans are a fairly short-lived race native to the material planes, including Alzhonar.

Basic Information


Humans are medium humanoids of average build. Their skin tones are varieties of pinks and browns. Males grow thick facial and moderate body hair, while females do not grow significant facial or body hair, except for under the arms and in the pubic region. Hair colors include straw colors, the full range of browns, red, orange, and black. Usually, hair color changes to gray or white with age. Some males develop hairless patches on the top of their heads sometime after full maturity.   Males tend to be more muscular and slightly larger than females, but this is by no means absolute.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually, with gestation lasting around 280 days. Young are helpless and must be cared for for a number of years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy - Birth through around 2 years of age
Young Childhood - Around 2 years of age through around 4 years of age
Childhood - Around 5 years of age until the onset of prepubescence (usually around 10 years of age)
Prepubescence - Varies, but generally beginning around 10 years of age into adolescence
Adolescence - Varies, but about 12 years of age until early adulthood
Early Adulthood - Varies, but about 15 years of age until around 25 years of age
Adulthood - Around 25 years of age until onset of middle age
Middle Age - Varies, but beginning between 35 to 40 years of age until the onset of old age
Old Age - Beginning around 55 to 60 years of age, lasting until death (usually 60 to 70 years of age, though some exceptional humans live as long as 120 years)

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found in every corner of Alzhonar.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans posses no unusual sensory or extrasensory capabilities. Some humans are capable of magic use.
Genetic Descendants
60 to 70 years
Average Height
Males - 5' 6", Females 5' 2"

Cover image: Last Stand by Inakrinat


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