Fardax Momentum

Written by SoleilArya

And just like that, I was facing it. An eye, so big it escaped the confines of my imagination, floating in the middle of space. 
I stayed unmoving for so long, hoping it couldn't see me, as absurd as it sounds. Terrified, breathless.
I prayed to any Divine I know, me. It would've been comical if it hadn't been... this.
I wasn't even sure Divines could help me, I mean... who could've? This thing was beyond them. Beyond any of us.
For the first time, I discovered something that was beyond my wildest imagination, something outside of Ovor's influence, an entity created outside of the Immaterial Eternity.
My first encounter with one of them. I told you before in this class that Primordials were usually beings born right after our creator made this world.
Ancient beings, older than most Divines themselves, roaming the confines of reality for millions of years.
There is a few that are even older than that. Some beings that roamed the nothingness that predated Ovor's intervention in the cosmos, and that watched, amused, as he played around with the fabric of reality.
Where were they from? Nobody knows. It is unconceivable to communicate with those Titans, even for gods themselves.
Perhaps they share an origin with Ovor himself, perhaps they are even older than even he.
Perhaps they come from a different reality, a different timeline beyond the confines of the Cosmic Reality, or perhaps they originate in a universe that existed before our own.
But what is for sure, is that this thing, it saw me. It noticed my existence, but for it I was barely a grain of sand in its infinite perception.
I will be dead long before a second passes in its cosmic existence, and humanity for it is simply a fleeting horde of ants.

But just like that, I learned. Not that were nothing in the grand scheme of things, of course, I already learned that long ago...
No, the lesson I learned was far greater. I learned that there is always something beyond. We first thought our continent was all there was to know, then we found out there was others... then that Avaanturis isn't the only planet is our solar system, that it is simply a minuscule grain of sand in the galaxy.
Then we learned that there was an entire Cosmic Reality beyond our Material plane, full of divine domains, chaotic demons and all the existences in-between...
We learned of creatures far greater than any we imagined... Why would it be so surprising there is something even beyond that, and then beyond that...
The greater universe is infinite. We are but a speck of dust, and so is whatever we think is immense. There is always something beyond. And this is my advice to you, young students. Keep looking. Keep trying to go beyond, to push the veil and look at what it's hiding.
How did I survive, you ask? I'm glad you asked. Why wouldn't I have? See, you are still thinking in the same way.
Why would this being have done anything to me? Do you crush every ant you cross on your way here? Do you even pay attention to the microbes that roam your skin?
You are aware of their existence, but you don't consciously do anything about them, because why would you? They are existence below your notice, and so was I to it.
I was not a threat, I was not a problem, I was simply a tiny, unnoticeable nothing floating nearby its perception. Simply and plainly.

You don't find this very encouraging, do you?
You're the one that asked about my scariest adventure... But I'll concede it to you, it is a little off-putting. Why bother doing anything, if we are forever bound to be below the notice of entities greater than ourselves...
Well, simply, curiosity. It's always what carried me forward. I was terrified on the moment, of course, and I still have nightmares of this encounter. It still feels like nothing I can ever do will matter, but...
In the end, I want to know more. I want to discover what hides beyond the veil of what we know. And I'm glad I got to know it. I'm glad I learned about it.
And you know what? So should you. Your drive for knowledge and your curiosity should always beat your fear of the unknown.
Because if we fall to that fear, if we let it consume us, we lose whatever makes us human.
If we don't bother with anything beyond our primary needs, if we don't strive to become better and smarter, then we might as well give up.

Now, go in peace, my students. Focus on your studies, learn everything you can, and one day, you might be able to live your own adventures.
And don't concern yourself with the stories of a decrepit old man like myself.
I can tell you are bound to great things... And maybe, one day, you will on your own, peirce the veil that separates us from whatever is beyond...
I truly wish it for you.

-HEADMASTER TOMELLIO MAZZANARI, welcoming speech to the last years of the Global Academy, 3294 AA.

This is an entry for Spooktober 2024, check out my hub there:
Challenge Hub: Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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