Greater Demon

Greater Demons are Demons born of the union between two Demons of high power, of the will of Shaatrixia, Breeder of Chaos, or one of the five original Greater Demons, born with The Chaos itself.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Only breeders, descendents of Shaatrixia, Breeder of Chaos are capable of reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

Around 1000 years to reach adulthood and full development.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All in the Chaos is free, but they chose to follow surprisingly strict familial order, and tend to respect and follow the word of Vastissa, Queen of Chaos

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The rare Greater Demons that live in The Beyond sustain by their chaotic energy its rivers, and in exchange drain the sorrow and remorse of the dead souls, thus are tolerated by @deat
Average Height
In full form, around 20 meters
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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