South Arken Empire

The South Arken Empire is the main power of the eastern continent, boasting immense military power, advanced technology and powerful magic. Although they are frequently criticitzed for being a monolithic, absolute monarchy that erases any opinions contrary to theirs, they have managed to prosper and become an unbeatable power in Amaanturis.


Arken is crossed by multiple rivers, and boasts the beautiful Watarra Lake, famous in the whole world for its azure waters and beautiful mountain views. The western half of the country is bordered by countless mountains, and the eastern side, although ravaged by the perpetual war with its neighbour, is home to some of its most ancient vestiges, being its birthplace.


Arken is large enough to know multiple climates, although most of it is temperate. The very southern part of the Empire knows harsh winters, and a lot of snow, while its northermost ports are quite usually basked in hot summers similar to Zamar's.

Natural Resources

One of the reasons Arken grew as powerful is its enormous supply in natural ressources, most notably minerals, including rare one like Zubrion Stone. It, however, does not boast many forests, and most of its wood industry requires importation, one of the main reasons it tried to invade its Marbellian neighbour.


Arken was born of the ambition of its first emperor, Avalgen Kaptaris. Born to a modest family in Moribon, he quickly rose through the ranks until he had enough influence to assemble an army. Deciding the whole continent was to be his, he marched through the wind-swept plains of Watarra and Darbos, and slowly took over the western part of the Beryl Continent.  At the time of his death, he had conquered close to half of the current territory of the Empire, and left to his son, Balnar, to finish his task. Although it was never over, Marbellian opposing way too much of a resistance to be taken over, the ambition to become the true rulers of the East never left the Kaptaris family, up to its current ruler, Dolbek.


  • South Arken Empire
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Empire of the East, Servants of the Blue Flame
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species


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