
Some say the first centaurs were created by necromancers conducting grotesque experiments on secluded worlds. Whether true or not, centaurs have been seen across the multiverse and in some places have established large and successful communities.   As a centaur you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores: You gain +2 to your Body score due to your powerful equine lower body.   High Speed: Your body is designed to run at high speeds. Your Move action is worth double that of other species.   Naturally Mounted: For the purposes of combat, you are always considered mounted. Any Perks in the Animal Handling Skill that benefit mounted combat are available to you without needing a mount, and you naturally possess the Animal Handling Skill without it counting against your Skill count.   Conspicuous Form: Your large size and loud hoofbeats make it difficult for you to be stealthy. You always have an additional -10 modifier to stealth rolls.   Large Turning Radius: Your body makes it difficult to turn in tight spaces. For example, you would not be able to turn about in a one square (5ft) wide hallway on a battlemap. You must back up if you cannot turn around. When backing up, your Move action only counts for 25% of normal.   Horse Kick: Primary Action. You lash out with your powerful equine legs. You can kick an enemy behind you, or rear up and attack an enemy in front of you. Rearing up also knocks your enemy prone. Use your Strength modifier for hit rolls. Use 2d6 for damage rolls. At 30 Strength, use 2d8, at 60 Strength, 2d10, at 100 Strength, 2d12. This attack costs 10 stamina.

Basic Information


While all centaurs have in common a fusion of equine and humanoid, their features beyond that can vary wildly. Some have upper bodies and faces indistinguishable from humans, while others retain equine influence in their heads and sport thick fur coats across their whole bodies.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most centaur cultures are tribal and nomadic in nature. They prefer wide open spaces that allow them to run together as a herd. Their structures also tend to be large and open collections of canvas conducive to the space requirements of their large bodies. Centaurs often have trouble integrating into societies of other species, not due to any stigma or animosity, but simply because humanoid architecture is difficult for them to navigate.
+2 Body   Double Move Action   Naturally Mounted   -10 Stealth Modifier   Large Turning Radius   Horse Kick Primary Action


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