
Constructs are beings created by enchanting inanimate objects. They are often found in communities of mages, where they mostly exist as automatons designed to perform menial or heavy labor on behalf of their creators or owners. The city of Velhonik on Amalgam has a large construct population performing all sorts of common tasks, allowing the city's biological population to pursue higher callings. Occasionally, however, a construct itself may become sapient, and hopefully come to be considered a person themselves.   As a Construct you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores: Your crafted form increases your Body score by 2, while your magical nature increases your Soul score by 1.   Mechanical Anatomy: Your body has no organs or other biological components. You do not require food, air, water, or any other sustenance. You are immune to all diseases and poisons, as well as bleeding. Unfortunately, you also have no way of imbibing potions, making regaining Stamina something that can only be achieved through rest or magic. If you are incapacitated, healing magic cannot stabilize you. You cannot be healed by medicine or healing magic, and your body must be repaired, but your Health pool is determined by multiplying your Vitality score by 10, giving you double the durability of biological species.   Modular Body: You can choose to modify your body with different parts that alter your appearance or functionality. At the start of your adventure you may have up to 2 modifications, but you can create or purchase more during your travels. Your GM can determine how many modifications you can have and whether or not they conflict with each other (for example, if two modifications to the same forearm would both fit). A list of potential modifications follows, but feel free to get creative:
  • Retractable Shield: a buckler that is able to deploy from your forearm, leaving your hand free for a weapon or spellcasting.
  • Forearm Crossbow: a hand crossbow mounted on your forearm, leaving your hand free for a weapon or spellcasting. Must be reloaded with opposite hand.

Basic Information


Constructs can be created either through powerful enchantment that results in the birth of a new life, or through anchoring an existing soul to a crafted body. Their initial form is determined by the craftsman who built them, and can range from a crude mashup of parts to a beautifully crafted machine. Many sapient constructs later decide to modify their own bodies to their liking, or commission new parts from craftsmen.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

There are few examples of constructs forming communities en masse. They are influenced by the magic that creates them, their creators, and the communities in which they spend their initial years. Those inhabited by an existing soul can retain memories of their former life and therefore maintain their cultural ties as well.
Body +2, Soul +1   Double Health   Immune to: Disease, Poison, Bleeding   Modular Body


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