
Stony protectors, gargoyles can often be found guarding sacred or ancient sites. Some grow into much more than their original purpose and come to lead lives of their own.   As a gargoyle you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores: Body +2   Natural Armor: Your stony hide gives you a natural AC of 16.   Transfigured Physiology: You do not age, but you do require food, water, and air to survive. You are resistant to disease, poison, fire, and lightning damage.   Natural Weapons: Most gargoyles are carved with claws. You can add an additional damage die to unarmed attacks when utilizing your claws.   Glide: Many gargoyles are carved with wings. They do not enable you to fully fly, but you can glide. Your Move Action counts for normal when gliding, and you can glide 10ft laterally for every 10ft off the ground you are when starting your glide.

Basic Information


Gargoyles are not beings of nature, rather, they are statues given life. They differ from Constructs and Golems however, in that they are creatures of flesh and blood. After being carved from stone, they are animated through complex transfiguration magic that transforms them into fully functioning organisms. The magic used prevents them from reproducing; however, some particularly powerful gargoyles have been rumored to have produced their own offspring by carving and animating new members of the species themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

While they have no culture of their own, gargoyles who gain sapience maintain the sense of duty and stewardship inherent in their creation. They come to value honor and respect, and abhor transgressions against what they consider sacred. They make for loyal friends and relentless enemies, and once they attach themselves to a cause, they will fight for it until they are successful or destroyed.
Body +2   Unarmored AC = 16   Resistances: Disease, Poison, Fire, Lightning   Natural Weapons: Claws   Glide


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