
Beings of bark and leaf, Leshies are botanical humanoids resembling trees.   As a leshy you have the following traits:   Sphere Scores: Your tree-like from increases your Body score by +1, and your affinity for nature increases your Soul score by +1.   Plant Biology: Your body functions the same as a plant. You have no need for food, but you feed through photosynthesis, so you require water, air, sunlight, and nutrients absorbed from soil. You are weak to fire and take double fire damage.   Nature Attunement: All leshies have an inherent affinity for the environment and a respect for all living things. You naturally possess the Druidry Skill and it does not count against your Skill count. Your own body counts as plant material for any Spells that require a plant material component.   Rooted: Primary Action. You extend tendrils down into the ground that lock you into place. You cannot take Move Actions for as long as you maintain this ability, but you gain Advantage +2 on physcial saving throws. Effects that would normally move you against your will without requiring a saving throw, such as the Djinn's Whirlwind and Marid's Maelstrom, do not affect you. Ending the effect of Rooted is instantaneous and does not require using an Action.

Basic Information


A typical leshy is roughly the size of a human, but their height can vary greatly, from gnomishly small, to close to ten feet tall. They are usually lithely built, though some grow thick and powerful limbs and trunk-like bodies. They do not have "hair" per se, but they do produce foliage that they style in aesthetic ways. Since encountering other humanoids, some have chosen to emulate the appearances of others, and style their foliage in the same way other humanoids style their hair. There are both male and female leshies, but they do not reproduce sexually; instead, the males fertilize seeds from females, which are then tended to like saplings until they develop their own limbs.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Leshy culture is inherently reverent of nature and the earth. They rarely employ industry, and their structures are typically built from still-living materials and have little impact on the environment around them. Adventuring leshies are often appalled by some species' disregard for the environment, but they will make use of the inventions and products of others if it suits their needs.
Body +1, Soul +1   Plant Biology   Weakness: Fire   Druidry Skill for free   Rooted Primary Action


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