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The native citizens of Dyrethreed. What many would consider to be mythical beings, the Coalescence bought these creatures of ‘fantasy’ into reality. They care little for the technological advancements seen on Amalgia. Who would care for such toys when one is born with the gift of magic, after all?

Thrust into a near unrecognisable world, the Dyrus long for their homeland. They lash out - seen as the invaders by the Materians - in order to defend themselves and their loved ones. In truth, many seek a way to make peace with the Materians, so that they can refocus their attentions on finding a way home instead of fighting.


Dyrus Biology

There is a great deal of variance with the Dyrus. Many are likened to beasts of a mythological nature, features unnatural, whilst others bare surface level similarities to Materians. One might mistake them for different species entirely. However, the Dyrus refer to each of their variations as a Heritage.

Most Dyrus are bipedal creatures. There are some heritages of Dyrus that are Tetrapods. Each Dyrus shares a number of biological systems, including (but not limited to): a cardiovascular system, a muscular and skeletal system, an immune system, and a respiratory system. Like their outward appearances, there are slight variations in these systems depending on the heritage of Dyrus.

INFO: Common Stages of Dyrus Growth

Dyrus are considered infants between 0 yrs and 2 years, children between 2 yrs and 15 yrs, adolescent between 15 yrs and 30 yrs, adults between 30 yrs and 310 yrs, and elderly beyond 310 yrs.


Magical Capabilities

All Dyrus (except for a rare few who have been biologically altered in some capacity, e.g. grievously wounded) have an Internal Magic Reservoir (IMR). They refer to this as their Magi Network.

Their IMR is a series of nerve-like branches that are woven along and between the muscular tissue. These branches connect to an organ - usually located in the upper torso - called the Siphon. The Siphon stores magic, converts energy into magic in order to replenish stores, and pumps this through the Magi Network when a Dyrus is using magic.


Where Do They Thrive?

The various heritages of Dyrus have different biological requirements, although these are not major enough to warrant settling in vastly different environments. For the most part, mixed Dyrus communities will settle in forests, close to lakes or rocky alcoves, and they trend towards settling in cooler climates.

Whereas Materians can rely on their technology to alter certain climates, Dyrus rely on their magic instead. They use it to enhance their own biological survivability to match the demands of the environment they are in.

This reliance on their Internal Magic Reservoir (IMR) can be quite harmful, particularly for prolonged periods. It is why most Dyrus try to settle on ‘neutral’ grounds so that they do not need to overwork their IMR just to survive.

Enhancement like this is usually done on a short term basis - for example, trips through an extreme environment in order to reach another Dyrus settlement. Overusing this can get a Dyrus into trouble. Especially if they are in an extreme environment when their IMR is completely tapped.

Without the use of the IMR, Dyrus aren’t really good at adapting to different climates. They are comfort creatures. Even the strongest of their kind dislike constantly moving from one place to another. This is part of the reason why they are so determined to return to their homeland, Dyrethreed.

The other reason is because Amalgia’s climate is more forgiving of the Materians who inhabit it. When the Coalescence forced the two worlds to combine, the Dyrus struggled to adapt to a climate that was so atypical to the one they were used to. It led to quite a few deaths, in particular for those who found themselves in regions of biting cold or scorching heat.


A Respected Hierarchy

Dyrus have a longstanding social hierarchy. They take their roles within their house, or even within inter-house relations, very seriously. To uphold their house's honour, they must first learn to uphold their own.

This means that everyone knows the exact social etiquette to abide by.

One might expect that this means ‘lone wolves’ are an uncommon or even unwelcome sight, but that is not the case for Dyrus. There are many valid reasons that a Dyrus might be without a house. Some prefer a nomadic lifestyle, others may have lost the other members of their house in a tragic event, or isolating themselves from a house may be a part of their personal duty.

Our benevolent Lourdant has elevated me once more.

It is an honour. No, a privilege, to serve the Second House of Ice as its Porterus. I only hope that I can live up to the standards of my predecessor.

He set a fine example to the rest of the House and to the esteemed Invictorum who served by his side. If I can emulate even a fraction of his bravery, his strength, his compassion, then I will be more than happy with the life I have lived.

— A note from the Porterus to the Second House of Ice

Of course, there are a few Dyrus who have been isolated for negative reasons. Traitors, criminals. These Dyrus are treated with the exact amount of disrespect that their peers feel they have earned.


The House of One

Dyrus who act alone - for whatever reason - are grouped in a similar way to those who serve a house. Each of these Dyrus is a member of the ‘House of One’, named for the isolation that these Dyrus live within. There are also specific titles used to replace old ones depending on the reasoning behind the Dyrus’ isolation.

Titles such as ‘Seculant’ and ‘Verdon’ have positive connotations. They are nomads, warriors, those that have not abandoned their people but have opted to serve them in a different way. In contrast, an ‘Olskarn’ is an outcast, seen in a negative light. The latter title is usually given to those who have committed atrocities.

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598 years (Males)
593 years (Females)

Average Height

Varies by Heritage. The smallest Dyrus heritage averages 2'3"-2'6", whilst the tallest Dyrus heritage averages 9'9"-10'2".

Variant Eye Colours

Variant Skin Tones

Dependent on heritage.

Naming Conventions

Dyrus names follow several conventions. Each Dyrus will have a forename - inspired by Greek / Roman names - which is given to them at birth. They will then have a rank that denotes their status within the house that they serve. For most their initial rank will be “Erengate”. Those who are born to a particularly well respected member of the house, or born to a Lourdant or Porterus, may be given an initial rank of “Marcverus”.

Following the rank, each Dyrus will be identified by the house they serve. There are many different houses, such as the House of Fire or the House of Sun, and each of these houses is split into a number of tiers. These tiers are denoted by position, with “First” being the held in the highest regard and subsequent positions being held in lower regards.

You would write a Dyrus name as follows: “Forename”, “Rank” to the “Position” House of “Housename”. E.g. Vittoria, Lourdant to the First House of Ice.

Example Ranks:

  • Lourdant - leader of the house
  • Porterus - head protector of the house
  • Occulun - priest/priestess of the house
  • Acarta - acolyte of the house
  • Invictorum - guard of the house
  • Marcverus - lady/lord of the house
  • Amandaunt - teacher of the house
  • Horventeum - healer of the house
  • Erengate - generic term for a member of a house
House Names

There are eleven variant Houses (not including the House of One):

  • Fire
  • Sun
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Wind
  • Lightning
  • River
  • Stone
  • Sky
  • Moon
  • Glass

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Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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