Glimmerfall Coast

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Once upon a time, Glimmerfall Coast may have been considered a wonderful town for vacationing by the Materians, or one of the Dyrus’ few bustling cityscapes. Now this coastal land is burdened by unpredictable, frequent disasters. From tsunamis that strike the shoreline and see the region flooded for days at a time, to harsh storms and tempestuous winds.

Many people have abandoned the region altogether. But there are those who are willing to try and resettle the lands, even if it means facing danger on a regular basis.


About the Area

Glimmerfall Coast is located along the northern coast of Malachi, on the continent of Perhl. The region spans all 94 km of the Glimmerfall Bay, which is itself made up of multiple estuaries, as well as the beaches, grass and marshland that are inland of the coast.

Despite the region’s susceptibility to natural disasters, thanks in part to activity from the Rift, there are a couple of towns within the region. One of these is more coastal, whilst the other sits further inland. Both are controlled by Materians.

Sulkmarsh Town

One of the Materian settlements, situated in the inland region of Glimmerfall Coast. Although not entirely free from the region’s intermittent natural disasters, the people of Sulkmarsh are happy enough to weather the storm if it means they are under no threat from the Dyrus.

Miserhen Bay

A small town along the coastline. Officially, this town is controlled by Materians. Unbeknownst to most, the town is also home to a small number of Dyrus, whose ancestors were taken in as refugees when it became apparent that Glimmerfall Coast would suffer greatly from natural disasters.


Facing Disaster After Disaster

To live along the Glimmerfall Coast, you have to be two things: resilient and brave (or extremely foolish according to anyone not a local). Resilient, to recover from each and every natural disaster that strikes the coast, and brave enough to face those disasters without flinching.

Such a life isn’t for everyone, which is why the towns in the region are so small.

Glimmerfall is well known for its natural disasters. In particular, its tsunamis which, whilst not recording large heights, can travel quickly and cause both immediate and lasting damage in the area. From destroying buildings and wildlife as it passes over the coast, to causing floods that can last for days at a time.

It is strange, then, that a handful of Materians decided to make their home on the coast despite knowing how frequently these tsunamis emerge. The people of Miserhen Bay have actually developed a method to minimise the impact of tsunamis on their town - an innovative combination of magic and technology that affords them a degree of protection.

01-02-32 CO

Sent a research team with equipment and relief supplies to Angler’s – ugh, ‘Glimmerfall Coast’ (I’ll never get used to that). The region was hit by another, what the locals have dubbed, ‘mini’ tsunami. Third in six months.

Now, we know from our own records that this is unusual, at least as far as pre-Coalescence analysis is concerned. Thought it best to at least investigate, if this is going to be the new normal. Is it the Rift causing havoc with the surrounding systems? Wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, since it’s already messing with weather all over the planet. And anyway, if we uncover any interesting data there, it might provide some useful insights for our troubles elsewhere too.

— Research Note
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Regional Changes - Materis

Prior to the Coalescence, this region on Materis was known as the Angler’s Stretch. There was no bay and only a handful of estuaries, leading to several rivers that were popular fishing spots, hence the name. Having much of the land twisted into a bay during the Coalescence was a disaster for the Materians living along the coastline, seeing many lives and homes lost to the sea in a blink of an eye.

Regional Changes - Dyrethreed

Prior to the Coalescence, Glimmerfall Coast actually looked quite similar to its counterpart region on Dyrethreed - known back then as Little Sapphire. Though the sandy beaches stretched further inland and most of the inner region was covered in marshes, there was far less destruction from the Coalescence on the Dyrethreed side of things. In fact, some Dyrus actually found that their homes appeared further from the coastline - perhaps a slight saving grace once everyone realised just how dangerous the region had become.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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