Mason Featherfair

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A studious and well travelled man of great renown.

During the course of his lifetime, Mason Featherfair published a great number of tales describing global and national events. He also wrote biographies for a few well known individuals.

His greatest work, which has caused no end of debate as to how truthful the claims are, is his book “Saints: A Shattered Dream”. This book contains several accounts from the Seven Saints and even some details from the Witch herself.

The book came as a shock. Not my part in it, but the revelations that followed. How Featherfair managed to convince the others to speak their minds - especially our ever volatile Saint of Artistry, or Krysanthe brooding in her solitude - I’ll never know.

A bit of bravery, perhaps? A dash of foolishness (certainly). Or was it the same thing that convinced me; an easy going charm and an endearing pursuit of knowledge?

— Recollections of the Warden

Physical Description

With a height of 6’3”, Mason towered above many of his Morestowen compatriots. Being quite thin meant he cut a rather gangly figure, but he never came across as awkward or ungainly. Wherever he went, Mason carried himself with grace.

As a traveller he would often wear clothes fit for his journeys. He never thought of himself as having a particular style for that very reason, although in any climate a couple degrees south of ‘too hot’, you could guarantee that he would wear his lightweight, navy blue jacket with an apparently never ending amount of pockets. “For holding things”, he would always say when asked about the egregious pocket count.


Distinctive Features

Face and Hair
Face and Hair

His eyes were a blend of green and blue .

He always had his hair closely shaved - it was easier to do that than to maintain it or keep it out of the way when he was out on his travels. On the rare occasions that it grew out, it was straight, thick, and a very dark brown .


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Most people simply refer to the man as Featherfair.


Mason is a Materian from TBC City in Diamon. He is Morestowen.

351 CO 438 CO 87 years old

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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