Rift Phantoms

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These spectres are creatures of the Rift. Unlike other Rift afflicted beasts and monsters, Rift Phantoms are incorporeal beings that only seem capable of manifesting near to the Rift or Anchor Points. There is much speculation as to what creates Rift Phantoms, but no substantial proof as of yet


Physical Features

Rift Phantoms manifest in one of two ways.

The first way that they can manifest is as an almost cloud-like ball, orange in colour, that appears to be crackling with blue energy. Some people have described it as looking like a ‘miniature’ Rift, only more violent in nature.

With the second way that they can manifest, Rift Phantoms take on a sort of silhouetted form - from afar you may well mistake one for a Materian or certain Dyrus Heritages. The ‘body’ is cloud-like, but a far darker orange than the ball-like appearance, and wispy blue tendrils snake off of certain parts (where one might find eyes on a regular person, or a twisted replication of blood flowing through veins - it is different every time).


Creating a Phantom

The existence of Rift Phantoms is a topic surrounded in a great deal of debate and not a lot of research or solid data analysis. Of course, the nature of both Rift Phantoms and the Rift itself makes research and analysis rather difficult.

That hasn’t stopped people from coming up with all kinds of theories.

Corrupted Souls
Afflicted in Life, Trapped in Death
Corrupted Souls

A popular theory, particularly among those dedicated to studying the Rift and its various creations. It is the idea that Rift Phantoms are ghosts.

Whilst the finer details vary, one thing that people who subscribe to this theory agree on is that Rift Phantoms are lingering spectres of Materians and Dyrus who have died. Some say that these deaths have to have occurred near to the Rift or an Anchor Point, whilst others say that in simply dying there is a small chance that an individual will come back as a Rift Phantom.

Afflicted in Life, Trapped in Death

Similar to the corrupted souls viewpoint. However, this theory proposes that only those who have suffered from Rift Sickness (or born with it, in the case of Rift Walkers) are capable of manifesting as Rift Phantoms after death.

The idea is that Rift Sickness affects the very soul of the afflicted individual and, upon their deaths, the Rift ‘claims’ their spirits to manifest as violent spectres.


A wilder theory which has started to gain a little bit of traction among certain groups and populations. It suggests that someone has ventured too close to the Rift and has been pulled into it.

With this theory, the individual is transformed by their journey (or in some instances, ‘transcends’ their mortal body) and deposited back on Amalgia as a Rift Phantom.

Theories, Theories, Theories!

Click on the tabs to the left to learn more about each of the theories of how Rift Phantoms are created.

Credit for these CSS-only tabs goes to Stormbril - minor tweaks have been made to the original CSS

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Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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