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My friends! What I ask of you is a dangerous task, but there is no group I would trust more to fulfil this duty than all of you.

In my hand I hold an object sacred to the Witch. I ask that you protect it with your lives. In doing so, you protect the very future of Amalgia.

But be warned. There are enemies out there who would see the object destroyed - those marching under the banner of the Rift. You must not let the object come into their possession. Protect it, at any cost.

— Reflections of the Thief


Shadowbearers are a small group of individuals hand picked by the Saint of Shadows in order to protect a mysterious artefact given to them by Krysanthe, The Witch. These individuals are personally trained by the Saint of Shadow.

There of course needs to be a balance in terms of how many people are aligned with the group. Too many, and there is a risk of information leaking to their enemies. Too few, and they will not have the power available to protect the artefact from those who seek to destroy it. With that in mind, there are usually 15-20 people chosen to be Shadowbearers at any one time.


Light on Equipment

To ensure that they do not attract too much attention - their purpose is to hide and guard a mysterious artefact, after all - the Shadowbearers carry only the necessities. Or rather, anything that would make them look like common travellers instead of the elite group of warriors that they are.

The Art of Concealment

Just because the Shadowbearers are built for subterfuge, does not mean that they are ill prepared. They are masters of concealing weapons and armour from plain sight. It would be difficult for them to defend themselves without any form of equipment whatsoever. So whilst their armour may not be the most effective, or their weapons the most efficient, they have trained extensively to make due with what they have available. Most of the time, that means taking out a threat before the threat even has a chance to identify them.

Before you start...

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On a day to day basis, Shadowbearers follow the orders of the Acolyte. The Acolyte answers to the Saint of Shadow.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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Aug 3, 2024 22:06 by Marjorie Ariel

I love characters who look less dangerous than they are.

Aug 20, 2024 19:54

Thanks for the comment!   I love them too - especially that reveal when you (and whoever's messed with them) find out just how dangerous they are

~ write what you love
Amalgia | Ma'rune | Osiron | Summer Camp 2024