She Who Forged The Rift

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A lot of research has gone into trying to determine the cause of the Coalescence. There have been all manner of theories and conspiracies concocted to try and explain the phenomenon.

One conspiracy has become quite popular over the last two hundred years. It started as a whisper. Growing and growing until whole communities began to parrot the same conspiracy:

That the Coalescence was started on purpose, by none other than the witch, Krysanthe.


What’s in a Rumour?

The rumour originated with the Saint of Artistry.

Having come to blows with Krysanthe after warning her to cease her research on the Rift, the Saint of Artistry needed a way to get Krysanthe out of the picture. In order to do that, she needed to make sure that the other Saints wouldn’t try to stand with her, which meant tarnishing Krysanthe’s reputation.

It was easy enough to sway the people. After all, Krysanthe had made it known to the outside world that she what the focus of her research was.

Just a few choice words is all it took. A simple, guiding nudge; is it research on a solution, or an analysis of cause and effect?

“You have a lot of faith in a woman you barely even know,” the Painted Saint says, measured and even. It would not be wise to tarnish her masterplan with a simple hint of mockery, no matter how much she wishes to laugh.

The man lounging across from her frowns. Age has not been kind to Doctor Harrowgreen, if the deep set lines of his face and stretched, ailing skin are any indication.

“I know the Witch has far more honour than you.”

“Such a strange thing…” she muses, idly scratching a figure eight into the wooden table top, “honour… is it honourable, I wonder, to hoard the knowledge that may very well save our lives? If that even is what the sly, old Witch is doing, anyway.”

Harrowgreen looks perturbed, caught on the hook and ready for the kill. “What are you saying?”

“You’re a smart man, Doctor. There are very few Materians I see any benefit in talking to, and you have aided me greatly in the past.” The slight blush is a surprise. She hadn’t thought a compliment would unsettle him so easily, but she won’t begrudge it. All the easier to land the final blow. “Why does a woman who claims to want to help the world spend so much time hiding away?”

— The Artist’s Journal, In Hysteria
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Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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