The Hold

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Once a majestic temple dedicated to the Ormassian god of rejuvenation. From temple, to ruin, to a base of operations for a group seeking peace, the Hold is rich with history.

As the home of The Warden and the members of Honourhold, the Hold is a refuge against the ever changing tides of war. No one dares attack the base head on. For those running from the war, or seeking peace, the Hold is their sanctuary - provided that they do not bring violence to the Hold’s gates.

“A temple - really?” The woman scoffs, shakes her head, but when I turn to her I can see the smile curling on her lips. Mockery, but not cruelty. “I mean, I know we used to joke about being gods, but–”

She frowns, because I frown. At the falsehoods of this manifestation plaguing my waking days.

I know it, she knows it, because the real Kalla has been dead for a century. The real Kalla never claimed to be a god. And if she were here now? Well, I wouldn’t be carving out my home in the ruins of a temple long since abandoned to nature.

— Recollections of the Warden

From Ruin To Renewal

Originally built in 2440 MA. The Hold - back then known as Galandaal Monastery - was used as a temple by one of the Materian’s larger religions, the Ormassians. In particular, the temple saw daily worship of the god of rejuvenation.

It fulfilled that purpose up until 17 CO, when the temple was abandoned. Many lost their faith in the time after the Coalescence and the Ormassians were not spared this crisis. The temple would go through years of neglect, as well as becoming the site of a handful of skirmishes between Materians and Dyrus, until that fateful moment where Saint of Protection (now going by The Warden) decided to make the temple the base of operations for his new peace movement. In 211 CO, the temple saw new life, and thus began its time in earnest as the Hold.

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Where is the Hold?

The Hold is located at the highest point of Jewelcris Isle, in the Helavi region of Ruberus. Atop the cliff edge, the Hold overlooks the Echo Straits. The climb up to the Hold can be rather treacherous for those not used to steep walkways or twisting turns that stretch for miles.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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Aug 5, 2024 03:09

What a mysterious quote from the warden. Nice article!

Aug 20, 2024 19:56

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^

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