Twins in Life, Joined in Death

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In the times of great confusion, mass strife, and seemingly unending conflict that followed the Coalescence, many speculated on what the future held. Those from religious backgrounds reviewed their texts and claimed evidence within them towards prophecies of doom. Others spread tales, desperate to make sense of why their world was suddenly changing.

Most regarded these prophecies as trite. False texts and liars trying to capitulate on an awful situation.

Though there is one legend - a diamond in the rough of tall tales - that rings true to the Coalescence of planets. A legend uncovered on Dyrethreed; of two planets becoming one and the calamitous consequences.


“When I was young, I met a Teller,” the Witch says, unexpectedly soft and eerily muted. “An old, frail Svoltire with the power to see into the future. Glimpses. Half truths. Conversations never quite complete.”

She glances away, focussing on an uninteresting stain tarnishing the cobblestone floor, the air of unbidden fear obvious even as she seeks to avoid my concern.

“They told me this would happen.”

I wait. Confusion bleeds into the crease of my brow, twists my lips into the beginnings of a question. It goes unvoiced. Krysanthe meets my gaze, a twilight sky beneath dark lashes, filled with the heavy weight of sorrow.

‘A riddle for a coin’, they said, so I paid the toll for my curiosity. ‘This world is on the brink, girl. Poisoned by its twin. Harmony it seeks and yet destruction is the key. Two into one. Break the barrier beyond. Only when the gate lies open can balance be returned.’” She hums, eyes falling shut. A breath in. Two seconds, another breath out, and then; “‘But beware the gate. It’s keeper… shall see that both worlds burn.’ Ever since that day I have tried to save our worlds and everyday I fail brings us ever closer to damnation.”

— Tribute to the Lost
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Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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Aug 15, 2024 18:50 by Joshua Stewart

Very fascinating myth, I like the idea of the Coalescence and how the two planets merging together is slowly(?) leading to a world-ending calamity. I like the open-ended nature of the article, leaves me creating theories in my head about what's going on. Also, I love how you've created a glossary page for important terms for this setting. Fantastic idea.

Aug 20, 2024 20:03

Thank you!   Getting more info down about the Coalescence is on the top of my list of things to write, so hopefully you'll be able to see if any of those theories match the truth.   I'm glad you liked the glossary page too! Knowing someone out there is making use of it makes me happy I put the effort in - I'll do my best to keep it as up to date as possible :)

~ write what you love
Amalgia | Ma'rune | Osiron | Summer Camp 2024
Aug 20, 2024 07:20 by Lia Felis

Nice article, thank you! The conversation brings the events close to the reader, I wish I could write like that!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
Aug 20, 2024 20:05

Glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for the kind words! Honestly, just keep putting in the effort and writing regularly, you'll notice the improvement in no time ^^

~ write what you love
Amalgia | Ma'rune | Osiron | Summer Camp 2024