Warriors of the Rift

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When the Warriors of the Rift was initially created, it was merely a small group of Dyrus. Since then, it has continued to expand and, much to the confusion of everyone outside of the faction, has started to accept Materians into its ranks.

This is not entirely surprising. After all, despite being a Dyrus only faction for much of its existence, the faction itself was never strictly against Materians. They are just against anyone who would try and seal the Rift or prevent it from expanding. For this reason, most people call them mad. It is no secret that the expansion of the Rift is slowly causing Amalgia to die, but the Warriors seem intent on keeping it functional - to what end, no one is sure.

“They don’t understand!” the young Dyrus growls. In a flurry of movement, he lobs his helm towards the weapons wrack, the subsequent crash enough to make everyone else in the room wince. Except for the Painted Saint.

She watches with feigned disinterest as her nephew rants, his arms flailing like an out of control ikris cat, his eyes starting to glow with a faint white hue.

“Have a care, nephew dearest,” she drawls casually. Everyone holds their breath as Cadisimus locks eyes with her, glare pronounced by the blaze of magic behind angry eyes. “They fear what they do not know. You must make them see that their fear of the Rift is wrong - open their eyes to the truth, and they will herald you as their saviour.”

— The Artist’s Journal, In Hysteria
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The symbol used by the Warriors of the Rift depicts the sword used by the faction’s leader - Cadisimus, Olskarn to the House of One. The sword is shown against a simplified backdrop of the Rift via the slashes surrounding the hilt of the sword.

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


Author's Notes

You can view my WorldEmber 2023 progress over on my homework page, or you can see what else I'll be up to during the challenge:

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