Half-Elf / Shar Elvhen Species in Amastris | World Anvil
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Half-Elf / Shar Elvhen

A people born of two worlds. The shar elvhen, or "half-elves", are somewhat controversial as both humans and elves tend to disregard them. Yet, they are beloved by nearly all other races. The story of how these people came to be is often quite tragic, and perhaps that is why so many other races treat them with such pity, for they see both the best and the worst of both the humans and the elves in the shar elvhen.

Basic Information


Half-elves carry both qualities of humans and elves. They tend to have slightly slimmer frames than humans but are taller than elves. They have the angular faces and pointed ears of elves but not to the same degree as their true-born counterparts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unfortunately, like many hybrids in the animal kingdom, the shar elvhen are sterile and cannot reproduce by natural means. There have been rumors of humans with faint traits of an elvhen heritage, but this is largely unconfirmed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Develop at the same rate as humans and tend to live as long as humans.

Ecology and Habitats

With no homeland of their own, and shunned by both human and elven communities, half-elves often emigrate to the The Dwarven Reach or Hibernia, seeking a better life, or will otherwise disappear into the city slums. Half-elves, for their panged ostracisation, are social creatures and do not do well in the wilds or in isolated communities.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Tragically, Shar Elvhen are often swept up in their youth and sold into slavery in the Pax Nevarrum, The Radiant Empire, and the Sunset Confederacy. The trafficking of these slaves, while officially illegal, does not have significant enforcement and is often ignored politically.

Facial characteristics

Male elvhen often grow pointed beards and long hair in order to hide their elvhen features. Women who do not have such luxury are noted as having a fairly androgynous look to them.

Average Intelligence

Comparable to both humans and elves. However, they do have a talent for picking up new languages. Shar elvhen, on average, speak at least three languages fluently.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These hybrids retain the light sensitivity of the elvhen and carry the darkvision trait. They also retain some of the sleep traits of the elvhen and can resist charm and sleep magic handily.   An unfortunate side effect of these qualities is that half-elves often suffer from sleep-related disorders like insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

With no proper culture or lands to call their own, half-elves will adapt to whichever lands they find themselves in. Many half-elves will adopt numerous names to be used depending on where they currently are.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Shar elvhen have a knack for learning languages, and it is rare to find any who do not speak at least three languages. The three most likely languages half-elves know are common, elven, and dwarven, although this is not always the case. In any case, they are likely to have distinct accents, which only adds to their exotic allure.

Common Taboos

The very name of shar elvhen or half-elf is mildly pejorative. To the half-elves, they would simply like to be known as people. Unfortunately, due to their diasporic nature, there are few unifying alternatives for them.


The shar elvhen first emerged during the uplifting of the humans by the elves in what is now the Pax Nevarrum. This was at a time when it was believed that the various sapient races could not reproduce with each other. At the time, there was a theory that magic was connected to bloodlines, and eugenic-like experiments were conducted by the High Elves to see if magical humans could be created.   What they found instead was the world's first hybrid race. Intrigued, the elves began to "invite" human volunteers back to the Sunset Isle. Humans, who did not understand the fickle nature of the elves, eagerly agreed to explore new lands. Sadly, the elves would inevitably grow bored of these volunteers and leave them to their own devices. Human ghettos began to grow on the isle. Powerless and with no way back home, the humans adapted to their new lot in life as best they could.   Over the decades, vile acts of abductions, rape, and, political subjugation created populations of half-elves who often sold themselves into indentured servitude just to survive. The half-elves, due to their sterility, were never able to develop a proper society for themselves.   Eventually, agreements were made between the Sunset Confederacy and the various proto-Nevarran kingdoms to allow the sunset humans to return home—but these agreements never included the shar elvhen. Whether this was by design or by intention is lost to history. Now in the Glory Age, elven pirates and raiders continue the profitable practice of raiding and abducting humans for sale in the Sunset Isle, only to return with half-elves to sell in human lands.   Thus, it seems that the half-elves will continue to find themselves suffering for the foreseeable future.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Both humans and elves treat the shar elvhen with mild disdain or cruel fetish. Most of the half-elves simply accept this as a part of their lives and try to live as best as they can in spite of this.  


Many of the half-elves will attempt to find dwarven settlements, families, or refuge in the Dwarven Reach. The dwarves, despite generally being rather xenophobic, are not cruel people and would hate to turn away a potentially useful spy or diplomat.  


It is often reported that slave ships traveling between the Sunset Isle and Nevarra will disappear if they approach too closely to the dragonborn homeland of Hibernia. What the purpose of this is is unknown, as few who travel near to the island return. It is notable then that when Dragonborn are seen on the continent, they are often accompanied by a half-elf.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Elvhen
60 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
5' - 6' tall
Average Weight
120lbs - 180lbs
Average Physique
Slimmer than humans but stockier than elves.
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