
The Dwarves of Urland Apreta

The fate of the people in the region known as Urland Apreta (or just Apreta) was primarily decided by the mountains," wrote Secondino The Peaceful in 198 TL for a series of volumes presented by other prominent intellectuals. "The rugged nature of the territory delayed the unification of the variously originated dwarvish peoples and clans inhabiting it in ancient times who remained separate and hostile even after Agland had extended its laws to their borders. And the same physical causes later contributed to shield the Apretarian life, to a significant extent and with considerable delay, from the revolution of The United Industries. Thus, sheltered from the immediate impact of major historical events, always regarded with suspicion and hostility and endured only as a forced consequence of the political and military changes occurring in nearby regions, Urland Apreta was formed and consolidated; and the dwarf have remained bound in a very singular community of fate, characterized by a tenacious loyalty to their economic and social forms even beyond any practical utility, which would be inexplicable if one did not consider that the constant factor of their existence is precisely the most primitive and stable of elements, nature. They, therefore, found themselves in great difficulty in developing their own coherent history and a civilization of their own to offer to other regions of the country, but in the most propitious condition to form a strong and closed character; as is still revealed today to anyone who from the small urban centers goes up the narrow valleys. Life there still unfolds in severe, humble, hard, and sparse forms, barely protected by rudimentary veils and ornaments, and the essential facts of the human condition (birth, love, suffering, death) constitute about "all that happens". The peculiar character of the dwarf is thus an extreme resistance to pain, disappointment, and misfortune; a great and fearful fidelity; a humble acceptance of the 'destiny' as an inseparable element of their condition.   The mountains are thus the most dominant characters in dwarvish life, but their particular configuration also explains the region's greatest paradox: they are also people of the sea. In fact, the mountainous region meets the Mare Grande, and here the mountains slope gently eastward, transforming into hills that offer breathtaking views. These hills are often cultivated, rich in vineyards and olive groves, which are an important part of the regional economy and culture. Approaching the coast, there are various types of beaches, from long, sandy ones in the north to rocky, wilder ones in the south. This natural transition from mountains to sea fosters extraordinary biodiversity. Mountain areas are home to species typical of alpine environments, while coastal areas are rich in marine and dune ecosystems.   The maritime tradition of the dwarves is ancient and profound: numerous generations of fishing families have undertaken their activities in the coastal cities, making them among the largest maritime communities to the east of the Great Sea, particularly distinguishing themselves from the mid-2nd to the end of the 5th century of True Light. The coasts of Urland Apreta are dotted with picturesque trawlers, typical fishing boats with characteristic colorful sails, featuring shades of yellow and red. The trawlers proceed in pairs, each pulling one wing of a trawl net. Alongside these sailing vessels, there are smaller wooden boats called lancettes.   Fishing has always served as a bond between the two main nuclei of the towns: partly by the sea and partly in the mountains. Many fishing families resided in the village, and it was here that, around the middle of the 2nd century, a shipyard was established for the construction of the boats. Once ready, they were lowered to the marina using an ingenious system of beams, ropes, and pulleys that allowed the boats to literally slide from the hill to the marina, with the aid of human strength and oxen, which acted as counterweights along the steep sections of the path.
Hard-working dwarves intent on tool-making in Mount Castle.
Fishermen repair nets on Aethernia's sandy beach


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