
In current days, the Elves are a rare and enigmatic presence, their numbers dwindling to just a few. Legends whisper of their deep connection with subtle energies. Old and powerful, they are the only repositories of ancient knowledge, the only ones still capable of accessing magic. In the eyes of men, they are capable of marvellous wonders that defy explanation. These remaining elves, guardians of ancient secrets, have chosen paths divergent in the face of their fading era. Some have sought solace in the remote corners of the world, embracing solitude as hermits, shrouded in mystery and unreachable by the common folk. Their retreats are sanctuaries, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world, where they commune with the arcane forces that pulse through Ambelain. Yet, not all have turned away from the world of men. A handful of these powerful beings have stepped out of the shadows, drawn to human communities. Their arrival was met with awe and reverence, leading them to positions of leadership and influence. In some cases, their power and extraordinary abilities have elevated them to godlike status among humans, worshipped and adored as divine - and sometimes tyrannical - entities.   For ages, the elves had vanished from the world of Ambelain, becoming little more than whispers on the wind and figments of ancient lore. It was not until the dawn of the Fourth Era that they emerged once again, or rather, at the tumultuous close of the Third Era—a time shrouded in chaos and conflict. Historical accounts of their return are fragmented and varied. Some scholars contend that the elves opposed the Last Mage, while others argue they played a pivotal role in the downfall of the Third Era's Agland Kingdom, contributing to the fragmented political landscape that characterizes Ambelain today. Another theory suggests their reappearance was linked to the disappearance of the last bastion of magic in the world, a crucial event that possibly heralded their return.   Elves are beings of profound longevity, living for thousands of years, a testament to their ethereal nature and deep-seated connection to the magical currents of Ambelain. The elves stand apart from the half-elves widespread across Ambelain.   Elves view themselves as the chosen custodians of magical knowledge, a role that divides their society into two distinct philosophies: the moderates, who see themselves as guardians of this arcane wisdom, and the extremists, who believe they are the rightful owners of magic itself. This belief system shapes their interactions with the world and each other. The hermits among them, those who have chosen a path of isolation, are said to view their profound connection to magic not as a privilege but as a burden. These reclusive elves withdraw from the world, seeking solitude in their hidden sanctuaries, where they can ponder the weight of their legacy away from the eyes of both their kin and the lesser races.
Their complex history, marked by periods of absence and dramatic returns, plays a significant role in the current era of Ambelain. The elves' story is one of mystery, magic, and a timeless struggle with their identity and the responsibilities bestowed upon them by their ancient heritage.


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