The Sage

The divine essence of knowledge.

  The Sage is one of the eight Archangels venerated in Agland, embodying the divine essence of knowledge, study, and wisdom. He serves as the patron of mathematicians, philosophers, historians, geographers, and all those who seek theoretical knowledge. His spheres of influence extend to libraries, academies, and all places dedicated to learning and research.   In the libraries of churches dedicated to the Sage, most books are available for public consultation, allowing scholars, students, and the curious to delve into their pages. However, certain works are deemed too precious or powerful for open access. These volumes are reserved for those who have passed specific trials of probation, demonstrating their dedication and ability to comprehend such advanced knowledge.
Regular free lectures on various topics of human knowledge are held in the churches of the Sage. Open to all, these sessions are forums for debate, idea exchange, and deepening understanding. Priests and scholars of the Sage, acting as educators, lead these lectures, spreading wisdom across different disciplines, from philosophy to geometry, from history to astronomy.   The priests of the Sage are dedicated not only to the conservation and administration of the library but also to teaching and guiding scholars in their quest for knowledge. They are viewed as guardians of wisdom and mentors to those seeking to broaden their intellectual horizons.
This dedication to the dissemination and preservation of knowledge marks the Cult of the Sage as a cornerstone of intellectual pursuit in Agland. By fostering an environment where learning is both revered and accessible, the Cult ensures that the flame of wisdom continues to illuminate the paths of those who walk in the Sage's light. Through these efforts, the Cult of the Sage plays a pivotal role in the advancement of understanding and the enrichment of the kingdom's cultural and intellectual life.

The main church of the Sage in Honadir

The main church of the Sage in Honadir stands as a beacon of profound erudition and contemplation. Within its hallowed walls lies the kingdom's largest library, surpassed only by the mythical Library of the Last Mage, a figure shrouded in mystery and a subject of fervent scholarly debate. This library is a sanctuary of wisdom, where books and ancient scrolls stand as testaments to humanity's insatiable thirst for knowledge.   The library within the main church of the Sage is not just a collection of texts; it is a living archive of human thought and discovery. Each shelf and every volume housed here represent a chapter in the vast narrative of human curiosity and intellectual endeavor. From the weathered pages of ancient manuscripts to the bound tomes of more recent scholarship, the library offers a bridge across time, connecting the present with the minds of the past.   The collection spans the breadth of human knowledge, encompassing works on philosophy, the natural sciences, the metaphysical, and beyond. It includes rare manuscripts that date back centuries, offering insights into the wisdom of ancient civilizations, as well as contemporary works that reflect the ongoing pursuit of understanding in an ever-changing world.  
The Cloister of the Church dedicated to the Wise Man in the city of Honadir.   In the garden outside, in front of the church entrance, a statue commemorates St. Vernazio.


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