The Third Age

The so-called Third Era of Agland, known as the Era of Kings, marks a significant shift in the kingdom's history, following the era dominated by theocratic rule, or the Second Era. This transformative period began with the overthrow of the theocracy by two heroes, one of whom ascended to become the first king of Agland, Aneias, known as The Weaver. His rise to power heralded the beginning of a new era where absolute authority was consolidated in the hands of the monarch.   Under the rule of King Aneias and his successors, the political landscape of Agland underwent a profound transformation. The Era of Kings is characterized by the centralization of power, with the king not only serving as the supreme ruler but also being revered as the divine spokesperson and intermediary between God and the world. This marked a significant departure from the previous era, where religious figures held the reins of power.   In this new era, religion was relegated to a secondary role within the societal hierarchy. The king's word became the highest authority, reflecting a direct line of communication with the divine. This shift underscored the king's unique position as both a political and spiritual leader, capable of interpreting and enacting God's will on earth.   One of the hallmark achievements of the Era of Kings was the promulgation of a new code of civil and penal laws. This comprehensive legal framework was designed to reflect the changed priorities of the kingdom, emphasizing secular governance while still acknowledging divine providence as mediated through the king. These laws sought to establish a more orderly and just society, with the king at its apex, ensuring the welfare of his subjects through a blend of divine right and legal mandate.   The Era of Kings fundamentally reshaped the identity and structure of Agland, setting the stage for a period of stability and growth. The reign of King Aneias, The Weaver, in particular, is remembered as a time of significant progress, during which the foundations were laid for the prosperity that would follow. His legacy, and that of the Era of Kings more broadly, is seen in the lasting impact of the legal reforms and the centralization of royal power, which together helped steer Agland into a new age of prosperity and order.   As the Third Era continued to unfold, the balance between divine authority and royal power remained a central theme, influencing the development of Agland's political, social, and religious life. The Era of Kings is thus a pivotal chapter in the history of Agland, marking the transition from theocratic rule to a monarchy that would define the kingdom's future.
This statue of King Aneias and Hulisir was made by Boccellato Marpiseri, year 603 b.F.A.


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