The Maunderlands Geographic Location in Ambleabout | World Anvil
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The Maunderlands

An arid highland, eroded down to showcase its beautiful layers of earth and to possess impressive spires of rock and stone, quite like the badlands you would see on earth.


Unfortunately, it is an epicenter of numerous types of natural disasters. Monsoons blow in from Dawdlepad, Storms are common as winds blow in from further on in Putterheat to The Roamplains , and even note-worthy landslides or earthquakes from the Dividemountains just north occur multiple times a generation.     Despite this, the Maunderlands' beauty persists. When the first travellers, and eventual settlers, came through, they could not help but maunder on and on about the spires of rock and the stratas of stone that reveal its history. Those first scholars fortold this place's destiny. Though the natural world seeks to wipe and redo its creation, certain Sciuridae wanderers have taken up the mantle of perserving what they found.


And so you find the home of the yellow-bellied marmots, though they prefer the name "rock chucks". Although we don't have the fortune of them recording which shires and slopes they've carved, they have maintained the beauty of the Maunderlands all the same. Their burrows withstand rain, flood, rockslides, and invasion. Though their enemies do enjoy calling their hiding tactics cowardly and "yellow-bellied" as the clever naysayers connect to their appearance. Their biggest colonies include; Herodotus the port city, and the newer mining and trading colony Orlacé, which is much further inland.     All in all, you can also expect to see aloof mule deer tribes and bighorn sheep villages as you travel across the Maunderlands. In larger settlements, beware black-footed ferret cutpurses and seek out pronghorn antelope sages if you wish to find out which earthen features of the Maunderlands are natural or artificially made.
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