The Winter Tourney: By Royal Invitation

Sporting Event / Competition


It seems that the Houses’ actions on Aeos have caused quite a stir among the Fey Nobility, and caught the eye of the fabled Winter Queen. Thus, by her royal invitation, a Gateway has opened to the Winter Court tournament ground. Here the Houses will be joined not just by members of the Winter Court, but also those of Summer, Autumn and Spring, all vying and scheming for favour and glory.

In the chill of a winter morning, the Winter Tourney began. Fey from the great Court of Summer and the lesser Courts of Spring and Autumn gathered for the annual event, hosted by the Queen of the Winter Court.   But this year was different, for the guest list included mortals of Ambria - those from Houses who were called to Aeos Island had piqued the interest of the Winter Queen and earned an invitation. This has caused quite the hubbub in the Courts, and many Fey were curious to meet these Ambrians - all Fey had heard the stories of what happened on that Island and the fate that had befallen two Gods.   The Winter Queen and her daughter the Princess welcomed their guests and set before them a series of tournaments to prove their prowess and honour.   The Ambrians might have been shocked to see the Bountiful, a Lady of the Summer Court in attendance. Her gossamer wings showed off her true form - a might different to what the Ambrians saw of her on Aeos Island.   The day began with Archery, firearms and throwables where the contestants had to hit targets of increasing distance. As the contestants fought, the Winter Queen spun her spinning wheel. She twisted the wool between her fingers and the threads spun around the spindle, crackling as they went. Her Winter Knight and Winter Knave both stood guard at her sides, watching the guests with calculated eyes. The Winter Princess kept a regal facade, but some might have seen her eyes light up at the Autumn Prince as he strutted around the grounds.   Dual wielding, sword and shield, great swords and pole arms followed. A strange Fey among the guests caught the attention of the Courtly Fey and they began to gossip. None knew him or what Court he was from ... who was he? Why had the Queen invited him? Being a jovial fellow, the strange fey made friends among the Ambrians and made deals and trades, but he gave them all a different name until no one could tell who he was.   The afternoon wore on and saw the single sword and open form fights. Around the Tourney arena the Ambrians and Fey mingled. The Summer Viscountess was quite vocal in her search for a suitor and rallied the Spring Duchess and Spring Baroness to aid her cause. The Bountiful being lowest in rank among the ladies of the Courts found herself at their beck and call, and she begrudgingly bowed to her superior Viscountess' whims.   The contests were rounded out with a 5v5 grand melee, 5v5 open form melee and 3v3 magic duels. The clash of steel filled the air as the Winter Queen continued her spinning. The threads rumbled softly as they wound around the spindles. The guests were in high spirits, and the Courtly Fey were distracted by gossip and rumours. It was said that the Winter Princess refused all matches the Queen tried to make for her. The Spring Baroness was asking strange questions about missing Fey. The Winter Knight wore the same flower crown as a human, which raised some eyebrows. And the strange Fey seemed particularly interested in the Autumn Knight and the Autumn Prince.   The contests wrapped up and as the sun set the guests went inside for the Victor's Revel. Over hot cider and tasty stews, the guests gathered to celebrate the winners of each tournament as they were bestowed medals by the Winter Queen.   The Autumn Prince won Archery. Snipes of the Thorn Syndicate won firearms. Elodie Nightsong won throwables. Matashi of the Kurohasu won dual wielding and single sword. Ghescan of the Seekers of the Hidden won sword and shield. The Winter Knave won great sword. The Onmyoji won pole arms. Tarook of the Seekers won open form. The Nords of Askþollr won the 5v5 grand melee. The Kurohasu won the 5v5 open melee. And finally, the Seekers won the 3v3 magic duels. For their efforts in the Tourney, the House of the Seekers and the House of the Kurohasu were also awarded artefact shards.   After the award ceremony, the guests continued with their celebrations. Those who stayed inside saw the strange fey loudly gift the Bountiful a small dagger. Some heard the strange fey accuse the Autumn Prince and Knight of switching their roles; something about an attempt on the Prince's life in childhood. Some overheard the Bountiful confront both the Autumn Knight and the Winter Knave, demanding her debts be paid. Others saw the Winter Knight and Spring Baroness protecting a human from drinking potions. Outside, the Winter Princess was seen throwing a drink in the face of the Autumn Prince and storming inside. The Winter Knave challenged the Autumn Prince to a duel, and they marched outside. It caused such a scene that all the guests followed them out. The Seeker Racek was asked to fetch the Knave's sword but instead of finding the sword the man was confronted with a chilling scene - the Autumn Knight dead on the floor. Who could have done such a thing? The Autumn Prince was beside himself and fell to his knees, sobbing over the body - when he revealed the dead Fey was not his Knight, but in fact the true Prince. The murder weapon was left behind on the body - the small dagger that had been gifted to the Bountiful, with a secret compartment that had contained a poison. Such a poison that could kill a Fey in the Wylds was rare indeed, and shook the Courtly Fey.   The guests immediately turned to the Bountiful, who pointed at the strange fey who had gifted her the dagger in the first place. Fingers were pointed, accusations were thrown! The Winter Queen cut through the noise with an announcement - the killer's identity would be brought to her before anyone could leave.   The guests were abuzz with confusion and fervour. Everyone set about discussing the clues and picking apart the allegations. Was it the Bountiful settling a blood debt? Was it the strange fey who had found out the Prince's secret identity? Was it a love triangle with the Winter Princess? Many nefarious reasons were surmised as the Court Fey and Ambrians whispered and schemed. As the rumours swirled, the Winter Queen heard that the strange fey admitted he had not been invited but "had" an invitation. And then the murder weapon, the poisoned dagger, disappeared.   A scuffle broke out with the strange fey and a ring came off his finger. In the confusion, an Ambrian picked up the ring and inspected it in secret, finding that it contained a hidden compartment. He took it to the Winter Princess, who identified the signet to be that of the Court of Tricks - a Court long thought to be destroyed. The Winter Queen realised that the compartment of the ring had traces of the same poison the dagger contained.   The Winter Queen demanded her Knight apprehend the strange fey. The Knight put the flat of his blade against the fey's throat and stopped him in his tracks. The strange fey smiled at the angry crowd that gathered around him. He revealed that he was a Duke of the Court of Tricks. This Court lived on the edge of the Wylds and served no great or lesser Court, and as they were not invited to the Tourney, meant he was not under the same protection of hospitality. Though he maintained his innocence of killing the Prince, the fey admitted it was he that had been stealing fey and taking them to his Court.   The Winter Queen pinched his ear between two fingers and put him to his knees. She ripped off his gloves to reveal the scars of poison that marred his skin. Pressing a finger to each hand she drove them to the dirt, invoking a banishment upon him. This banishment would tear him from the Wylds so that he would never be able to step foot in the realm again, never to see his Court or his home. The strange fey went to push his way through the crowd, but Orenda of the Seekers lunged at the strange fey with the dagger they had mysteriously found - hoping perhaps it could kill a lesser fey with just the hint of poison left in it, but she was swayed from her ire and backed down.   The Spring Baroness hurried forward and grabbed the fey, demanding to know where her son had been taken, with the other missing Fey. But since he was banished, the strange fey would not be able to show her to the Court of Tricks. And then he was whisked away.   The Winter Queen returned to her spinning wheel and gathered the yarn. It thrummed and sparked in her hands and then the sky above began to darken with a storm. She went to the House of the Seekers and presented them with the residues of the storm spell in gratitude for their help.   With the mystery ended, the Courts and Ambrians departed, glad to be returning home. But as they left, many thought: it seemed too simple, too obvious, for the strange fey to have killed the true Autumn Prince. And the reason for the murder was still unclear. A fey had been banished and many secrets revealed, but still more questions were raised.

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The Fey Wylds
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