History of Exodus Ambria

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    Age of the Gods
    Era beginning/end

    Once the world was flat and bare, until giant Gods created life and form; plants, animals, mountains, oceans. This is known as the Age of Gods. But the Gods were fickle and fought among themselves for power and control, ravaging what they had just formed. Each of them thought they should be the supreme ruler over Ambria. Their conflict bred monsters and beasts that escaped into the world.

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    Age of Magic
    Era beginning/end

    As it was dying, Ambria released creatures to heal itself; elves, dwarves, orcs, dryads and all manner of fell and fair peoples. This is known as the Age of Magic. Under the Ambrians’ influence, the world flourished once more and they worshipped the Gods that had given them life and land. Observing their piety, the Gods agreed to leave Ambria, but in order to fulfil their bloodlust they decided to use the Ambrians in their stead. They bid the Ambrians to form Houses and offer sacrifices in return for protection and guidance.   Once a week, the Gods activated a Gateway within each stronghold that led to a Battle Arena. Here, the Houses would fight each other in the name of the Gods. The Battle Arena was on a small island; the last place on Ambria where the Gods had touched land. The damage to the island was so great that the laws of nature and time were still warped. Houses that fell in battle would resurrect to return home and fight another day.   For the Ambrians, they would use the Arena to gain glory and vye for power over other Houses. Victors would be rewarded with a God’s favour; fair weather, good health or bountiful crops. For the Gods, their powers rose and declined in an endless cycle of victory and defeat. Never could one God become supreme ruler, but not for want of trying. This continued for millennia.

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    Age of Starfall
    Era beginning/end

    Then one night dozens of stars fell from the sky across the world and birthed strange new creatures: humans. This is known as the Age of Starfall. Some Ambrians considered humans to be sent by the Gods and vowed to protect and nurture them. Others saw them as an evil omen and vowed to destroy them. Ultimately, humans migrated and settled across the world, forming their own Houses. For 514 years Ambrians and humans struggled to coexist, and many wars were fought. They forsook their duty to the Gods and shunned the Battle Arena. In anger, the Gods set a darkness over the land and the Houses retreated to their strongholds, cut off from one another.   276 years passed and the Gateways to the Battle Arena reopened. Curious, each House stepped through. There they met and began to fight once more, and for this the Gods were pleased. During their battles a rumour began to spread, slowly boring into every mind. The rumour held that during the darkness other Gateways had appeared. Where these Gateways would lead and what their purpose would be was unknown. Emboldened, the Houses began to explore.

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    The Battle Arena is opened
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The Gateways to the Battle Arena are reopened by the Gods. The Houses must meet once per week to fight and win glory for their God/s.

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    Call of the Gods
    Cultural event

    The Gods open Gateways all over Ambria, leading to Aeos Island. The Houses are summoned to impress the Gods, to earn their favour and win glory for their Houses at a week-long event.

    More reading
    Call of the Gods
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    Dark Winds

    Some Gateways malfunction, sending several adventuring parties to the realm of the Spider God.

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    Call of the Gods II: Trial of the Champions
    Cultural event

    A new Guardian will be chosen for Aeos Island. The Gods have brought forth The Wise, the Bountiful, and the Undying to vie for this position. The Houses must choose a side.

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    Dark Winds II: Return to the Dark

    Ambrians and humans decide to return to the realm of the Spider God to rescue their friends, this time, prepared.

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    Clash of the Gods III: Battle for Yulthæsa
    Cultural event

    The Houses must complete a ritual to bring back the God-killing sword, Yulthæsa and choose between three patrons Gods; Morael, Rhymir, and Abbadon.

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    Hold the Line
    Military action

    Humans and Ambrians are called to protect Dawnveil Keep against a seige from the Teardrinkers.

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    Clash of the Gods IV: Webs and Tears
    Cultural event

    The battle between the Gods Maakor and Rhymir comes to a head on Aeos Island, and the Ambrians must decide who to support.

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    The Winter Tourney: By Royal Invitation
    Sporting Event / Competition

    It seems that the Houses’ actions on Aeos have caused quite a stir among the Fey Nobility, and caught the eye of the fabled Winter Queen. Thus, by her royal invitation, a Gateway has opened to the Winter Court tournament ground. Here the Houses will be joined not just by members of the Winter Court, but also those of Summer, Autumn and Spring, all vying and scheming for favour and glory.

    The Fey Wylds