The Battle Arena is opened

Sporting Event / Competition


The Gateways to the Battle Arena are reopened by the Gods. The Houses must meet once per week to fight and win glory for their God/s.

A needle of light shone through the dark clouds, illuminating a Gateway. Old, worn, and covered in vines it looked like it had stood for thousands of years. And yet, this is the first time any living mortal had seen it. Its sudden appearance was made only stranger by the growing sunshine that surrounded it.   For 276 years the darkness had lingered at the edge of the city’s outlying fields but now it was lifted slightly, pulling back like a curtain to reveal this new Gateway. By the time news reached the palace and an envoy had been sent to investigate, a crowd had already gathered. The blue-grey mist that shrouded the entryway swirled and shimmered, obscuring any view of what was on the other side. None in the human city were alive who remembered what purpose the Gateway served. But the royal House knew what it was: the entry to the Battle Arena. Scrolls had been kept about what life was like before the darkness, and the purpose of the Battle Arena to fight for the glory of the Gods. There was no question; the Gods had called upon them.   A contingent of the strongest, swiftest and wisest were dispatched to investigate what wonders - or horrors - lay on the other side of the Gateway. When they arrived other Houses had begun to gather, appearing through their own Gateways. Old friends greeted each other, ancient foes kept their distance. Both Ambrians and humans were uneasy about why they had been summoned. Would the Gods punish them? Would they be allowed to fight again and earn back their honour? They had been cut off from the Battle Arena for so long, not even the immortal Ambrians knew what would happen next.

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