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Dwarf Lore

     One of the ten dominant races in the Fesden area. The Dwarves of old used to dig deep into the world, carving many empires for themselves, but times have changed, and the undergrounds are much too dangerous to have settlements down there for the Dwarves, so Dwarves spend their lives above the ground, maybe only delving below if they have a job as a miner. Their ancestors were masters of smithing, and though that knowledge has been lost over time, they seek to reclaim it and in doing so, reclaim their rightful place as the dominant race underground.


     The Dwarves have among the most tragic history of all the races on Améow. After the creation, the Dwarves found that their small size combined with their strong frame made them ideal for mining, and soon discovered that they were perfectly at home while underground, or inhabiting their mine, so more and more dwarves moved, and their fascination with the material wealth under the surface grew. They dug further down, until they found a series of cave systems so massive that they couldn't possibly hope to see it all in a single dwarven lifetime. The Dwarves had found their paradise, and so built the first of many dwarvish kingdoms, where they dealt fairly with all, including the other races they encountered deep in the core of the world. These included the brutish giants, the dark elves, and other strange beings. The giants would also often pay the dwarves for passage to the surface, where occasionally, the giants would procreate with races to produce Goliaths, which kept their giantish parent's literal rock bones, as well as their thick blood, but weren't nearly as large as their parentage would suggest they can. The Dwarves continued to grow and expand until the others began to grow not so fond of their stout neighbors. More and more the other races underground would harass and raid the dwarves, until it no longer was profitable to continue to live underground.

     The Dwarves abandoned the one place that had ever felt like home to them, and stepped upon the surface once more, seeing the bright sun and the stars for the first time in generations. The Dwarves had nowhere else to turn, and so went to live with the humans. Due to seeing little use for it, the Dwarves over time forgot their traditions of mining and smithing, which has been regretted by many a Dwarf, who now seek to recover their lost arts. From this point in history onwards, the history of the Dwarves is the same as that of the Humans.

Genetic Descendants
400 years
Average Height
4 ft. max.

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