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Halfling Lore

     It's said that before the monsters began appearing throughout the land, the Halflings dwelled in small communities away from everyone, but they no longer have that luxury, as every Halfling hamlet has fallen to monsters, as such, the Halflings are a very minor percentage of the population among the cities of the world so they can be safe from the monsters. Due to this, the Halflings have lost a good deal of their culture, and instead act as if they are simply smaller Humans. There are still some Halflings that attempt to adhere to their lost culture, but outsiders simply look on them as being lazy, and there are many of this group that give in and assimilate into Human culture.


     The Halflings began after the collapse of the Great Dwarven Kingdoms, when Dwarves settled themselves in the Human cities, and some few Dwarves began to form relationships with the humans who were all around them. The resulting children that came were the Halflings; people half the size of a human, with none of the extra bulk that came from being a Dwarf. Due to their Dwarven heritage, the halflings are very good at growing out facial hair, and depending on the halfling, their either embrace it as a sign of some of their dwarvish blood, whilst others abhor it, as they see the disconnect between their light stature and their thick beards as something unnatural.

     After some time as being an established race, the Halflings began to form their own groups in society, not often venturing outside of the major cities where they were born, as the danger that awaited all who left the walls were great, but instead forming small, tight-knit communities within their cities, and using such communities to watch out for each-other. In consequence of this, there are a good many Halfling gangs that dwell within the major human cities, and there is some irony to be found that among the smallest and most frail of races on Ameow, the halflings pose among the greatest threat to people who are within city walls. Over the course of history, Halflings are no longer thought of as a half-race, instead being perceived as their own thing, and halflings can be found in almost any career, with there even being a few halflings who have chosen the route of soldier, guard, or adventurer. For the most part, however, Halflings have kept themselves to the safe jobs, being clerks, scholars, tavern-workers, money counters, etc. In Halfling culture, bravery is admired, but is seldom found, and often just leaving the tight-knit communities that the Halflings have formed and walking about in the regular city is considered a brave thing, even though most Halflings have to do so on a regular occasion. The Halflings are also known for their resourcefulness, and have been able to find homes in most circumstances, often finding an abandoned building and building a community of Halflings within the shell of it in a sort of nest fashion. It is also noted that in the beginning of the Dark Age of Men, there were many communities of Halflings that were forced to travel away from the cities, and so to this day, there are some purely Halfling communities out in the wilds, with everything at half the size of what they would be in the cities. It should also be noted that a distinct difference can be noted between the city Halflings and the small town Halflings, as the small town Halflings are much more hospitable and welcoming of guests than the city Halflings tend to be.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
4 ft. 9 in.

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