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Elf Lore

One of the 10 Dominant races in the Fesden area.
Most of the Elves in the Fesden area are from the mythical city of Ane'then on the island nation of Senendial, and are very proud of their lineage, but those who have left have left for a myriad of reasons; some were exiled, some simply wanted to leave, and some were persecuted against.


     The Elves have a history that seems as long as Ameow itself, which is perhaps why Ameow is named in the Elvish custom, the name meaning "Plenty" in their tongue. From any records that have been found, of which there are not many, the Elves believe that they were created first, which is why they have the longest of the lifespans among the forces of man, and because of this, the Elves declared themselves the defacto rulers of this land, and they spread their influence across the land, and in some cases, the sea, settling an island off of the coast of what would one day be considered the Fesden Empire. They saw it, and decided that they would settle it as their homeland, and none but the elves would be permitted entry to the island. This island, of course, being Senendial, and they shortly began construction of their mystical city of Ane'then, the sight of which is supposed to be capable of bringing a tear even to the eye of a dragon, and bring a tear to the eye of a dragon it did, as one of the Nine Great Dragons themselves supposedly watched over Senendial to protect the elves, as well as ensure they knew their place. The dragon being Rik'kelan. It is said that Rik'kelan and the leader of the elves at the time (name lost to history) were great friends. This, of course, is all stitched together from a million different sources, as the elves viewed their longevity as an excuse to not write anything down; relying instead on oral storytelling to pass on their great knowledge from generation to generation. This method would prove most useful in the war that ensued between their people on the mainland, and the Humans and Orcs who had united together. The conflict seemed to have been started by the Elves, who sought more of what they considered to be their land, which they were disgusted to find that the humans had been using the area as a place to discard their refuse.

     The war was hard fought on both sides, but it was harder on the elves, as the humans and dwarves seemed to reproduce like rabbits in comparison to the long-living elves. The elves eventually decided to retreat and regroup at Ane'then, and continue to build up their army, and to develop a navy to take on the coastal cities of the humans. These preparations, however, would never be used, as shortly thereafter began The Dark Age of Men, and the great dragons came to Senendial, burning their ships, and minor cities and towns, but were gracious enough to not destroy Ane'then, but did demand that the elves deliver up their 100 oldest and wisest elves, whom were eaten after being gathered up into one spot. This, however, was still much less death than the other forces of men had encountered, so the elves during this time period were actually more numerous than the other forces of men.

     The elves during this time seemed to progress at abysmal speeds, but within a single generation of elves, the dragons simply disappeared. With their still plentiful numbers, the elves built themselves up to be a technological superpower, and during this time, there also began to be an inner conflict throughout all of Senendial, where the elves who stuck to the strict traditions of the old ways, were in conflict with the elves who had travelled to the mainland, and had been converted to The Church of The Defender, and thus there was much religious vigor among the elves during this time. It was only the very next generation of elves that saw the Sundering of the Fesden Empire, but word refused to travel, so many remained still ignorant about the state of their human neighbors, meanwhile, the religious vigor remained.

Genetic Descendants
700 years
Average Height
Slightly shorter than humans.
Geographic Distribution

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