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Half-Elf Lore

     Often the result of Elvish immigrants and Human nationals marrying and having children, Half-Elves live in a strange world, and their circumstances vary greatly one from another. There is no "Half-Elf culture" Like there is a culture for the many other races, instead, they take a blend from their Elven heritage from far away, and the culture that surrounds them.


     The Half-Elves of Ameow, and especially of Gelrick are stories of bravery and moving on from the grand past that has grown dowr, and moving on to the golden future. Most Elves that emigrated to the mainland of Gelrick originally hail from the island nation of Senendial, but for one reason or another have left their homes. Most of the time it is due to religion, as the Elves of Senendial only recognize The Old Ways, and perceive the worship of The Defender as a load of nonsense. For Elves that do believe in and worship The Defender, the constant onslaught of this mentality can drive many to find a need to emigrate for a better home. These individuals who left are the ancestors, or even the parents of the Half-Elves, as Half-Elves are the result of mixing the blood with Elves and Humans, or Elves and Halflings, or Elves and Orcs. These people therefore have a large diversity when it comes to how they grow up, as depending on who their non-Elven parent is, they can grow up as a beggar, commoner, or in some cases, noble. The grand chasm that exists between Half-Elves is so wide that often it is forgotten that they are all of the same cloth, and in a way, they aren't The Half-Elves really haven't made much of a name for themselves just yet, they simply are, and very few ever make a name for themselves as an individual, so not many heads turn when a Half-Elf enters the room. Some Half-Elves grow to despise this lack of a reputation that they have as a race, but there are many who use it to their advantage, becoming cut-purses and thieves. The Half-Elves all seem to follow in the beliefs of their ancestors, and tend to stick pretty strongly to whatever the reason was for leaving Senendial, as they see it as their defining reason for being where and who they are. Because of their somewhat alien nature, most humans are intrigued by the appearance of the Half-Elves, as very few humans have ever seen an Elf, but fewer still have ever seen a Half-Elf. The Half-Elves have a very short history, as they are only really just starting to come into their own as a race.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
300 years
Average Height
~6 ft.

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