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Vodahmin Kya'dahren


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Journal 1.0.1
12th of Marpal, 1444

Action at last! Though my mission presses on my mind, I am glad for the reprieve from travelling alone. My thoughts have consumed me for many moons and now they trouble me no longer. As I came in to Selthal, the town was beset by bandits whom we now pursue. I am accompanied by a fine set of folks, including the one who seems to be able to follow the bandit's exact trail. It seems as if tomorrow will hold more peril and I pray for the defender to be with us.

Journal 0.1.1
1st of Velthal, 1438

I am alive and as well as can be expected. Only three days ago, I was as good as dead. When counting down hours instead of days until the Blood Moon, you are only truly safe if you are unseen, unheard, and have a solid locked door between you and any movable terrain. When the dead rise they are countless in number and terrifying to behold. Thankfully, as I kept a frantic pace through a mountain valley, I saw a red and white building, perched into the cliff face some hundreds of feet up. Following the steep road, I asked for entrance and the monks there took me in. They are as nice as I have been told they are, and equally disciplined. Even with the light of the blood moon casting it's murk on the courtyard, business continued as usual, some initiates even meditating throughout the night. For some reason that I cannot pinpoint, this location also seems right. The feeling I've had ever since the voice spoke to me is stronger than ever in this area. The mountains and valleys call out in old chants and for some reason, my ears are open to them. I still haven't told the monks it's my birthday. I don't think I ever will.

Journal 0.0.3
34th of Sumam, 1437

The desert is behind me. But trouble's shadow makes itself ever present in my wanderings. Even as I was shaking the sand out of my boots, the Zephtal still in the background, I saw the plume of dust that can only be caused by a large group of some sort. To make matters worse, they were headed my way. Not knowing their motives and not trusting that I wouldn't warrant extra attention, I quickly fled to a outcropping of rocks in the distance. It is fair to say my travellings have been beneficial to my health, as I couldn't have made that sprint even a month ago. Slightly out of breath, I peeked around the side of a rock to see a group of kobolds escorting several orcs bound in chains. Were they prisoners? My mind flirted with the idea of setting them free, whatever the method may be, and I almost rose to my feet. Suddenly, I heard a part of me say "Wait". Not in a loud voice or a soft voice, but a sure voice. Perhaps a part of my mind I do not have control over. Whatever it was, I did nothing, and soon they passed by.

Journal 0.0.2
22nd of Sumam, 1437

The desert is harsh and difficult. Sand gives way beneath my heavy frame and my feet sink in, making each step sap more of my strength. I can only travel during the early morning and evening, for the harsh sun makes for poor decision making during the day, and at night the bitter cold makes navigation unreliable at best. Occasionally thoughts arise in my head like: Do you even know where you're going? What is your plan for what to do when you get there? Will you live out the rest of your days alone and forgotten solely because you couldn't stand the status quo? No, I don't know, and... maybe? Whatever lies ahead of me, I certainly hope it is better than what I left behind.

Journal 0.0.1
13th of Sumam, 1437

I am alone. Ceren is gone and I know not where. Meanwhile, we are much to far from home for me to return, even if I had the desire. Not only what Mother and Father tried to do, but the fact that both Rashtak and Nerendi went along with it. Can't they see that greatness does not lead to dominance? For all the god-like attributes of the dragon, even I can see that pride is their greatest weakness. Practically every time something bad happens to them it's because of something they didn't even consider a threat until it walked through their front door. It doesn't matter now. What matters is finding a safe place to live from now on. Already it is Sumam and the day of the Blood Moon fast approaches, much more real now that I am alone. Tomorrow I'll continue west. From what Ceren was saying, I should be to the Zephtal before long.


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