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Vodahmin Kya'dahren

n/a Dragonborn (Hermit)
Monk 2
24 / 24 HP

13th of Marpal, 1444

Campaign & Party

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12th of Marpal, 1444

Journal 1.0.1

by Vodahmin Kya'dahren

Action at last! Though my mission presses on my mind, I am glad for the reprieve from travelling alone. My thoughts have consumed me for many moons and now they trouble me no longer. As I came in to Selthal, the town was beset by bandits whom we now pursue. I am accompanied by a fine set of folks, including the one who seems to be able to follow the bandit's exact trail. It seems as if tomorrow will hold more peril and I pray for the defender to be with us.

Vodahmin's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal 0.0.1
    13th of Sumam, 1437
  2. Journal 0.0.2
    22nd of Sumam, 1437
  3. Journal 0.0.3
    34th of Sumam, 1437
  4. Journal 0.1.1
    1st of Velthal, 1438
  5. Journal 1.0.1
    12th of Marpal, 1444

The major events and journals in Vodahmin's history, from the beginning to today.

Journal 0.1.1

I am alive and as well as can be expected. Only three days ago, I was as good as dead. When counting down hours instead of days until the Blood Moon, you are only truly safe if you are unseen, unheard, and have a solid locked door between you and any mova...

05:30 am - 19.11.2022

Journal 0.1.3

The desert is behind me. But trouble's shadow makes itself ever present in my wanderings. Even as I was shaking the sand out of my boots, the Zephtal still in the background, I saw the plume of dust that can only be caused by a large group of some sort. ...

05:01 am - 19.11.2022

Journal 0.1.2

The desert is harsh and difficult. Sand gives way beneath my heavy frame and my feet sink in, making each step sap more of my strength. I can only travel during the early morning and evening, for the harsh sun makes for poor decision making during the day...

04:27 am - 19.11.2022

Journal 0.1.1

I am alone. Ceren is gone and I know not where. Meanwhile, we are much to far from home for me to return, even if I had the desire. Not only what Mother and Father tried to do, but the fact that both Rashtak and Nerendi went along with it. Can't they see ...

03:44 am - 19.11.2022

Journal 1.0.1

Action at last! Though my mission presses on my mind, I am glad for the reprieve from travelling alone. My thoughts have consumed me for many moons and now they trouble me no longer. As I came in to Selthal, the town was beset by bandits whom we now pursu...

12:12 am - 19.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vodahmin.

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