Era beginning/end
Nœ'n, creates, 'Sixes of Fools/Hope', Ámadán and Ámadogh, and their Realm of Credence and Trickery, Grágh. The fifth and last of their kinds made by the Brothers.
Níl, quickly becoming bitter, as more and more hatred grew for his brother. With the creation of Ráshio and his Realm of Reason, the only natural response from Níl, at least in his mind, was the creation of Ámadán, Six of Fools. Yet, as days became weeks, weeks become months, months becoming a year, there was no retaliation by Nœ'n. This greatly troubled him, but no retaliation was needed from the brother of Nothing. For, in his infinite wisdom, where Níl saw a Six of Fools... Nœ'n saw the Six of Hope, Ámadogh. Splitting, what was one deity into two, this fact however would be concealed to Níl for he lacked the understanding, as well as the eyes of Nœ'n. Where one saw Hope, he would constantly mistake it for foolishness... So, when the first 'Time of Nìl' had passed, he wasn't present as all saw the fifth realm Grágh, rising higher and shining brighter than all others. Its first phase announcing the new year, and the rule of Sixes of Fools and Hope, Ámadán and Ámadogh!