Níl, creates, Six of Life, Zz'j'urr, and her Realm of Life, Saol. First of their Kinds.
The eras and times from the beginning to present day
An era in which the Six are chosen, interchangeable with any time the Six are replaced.
Níl, creates, Six of Life, Zz'j'urr, and her Realm of Life, Saol. First of their Kinds.
As a reply, and maintain of balance, Nœ'n creates, 'Six of Desolate', Dhóldán, and his Realm of Despair, Èiho. Second of their kinds.
From this conflict, Níl creates 'Six of Strife', Bás. Along with the Realm of Conflict and Strife, Koga. Third of their kinds.
Nœ'n creates, 'Six of Reason', Ráshio, and his Realm of Reason, Cúis. Fourth of their Kind.
Nœ'n, creates, 'Sixes of Fools/Hope', Ámadán and Ámadogh, and their Realm of Credence and Trickery, Grágh. The fifth and last of their kinds made by the Brothers.
As punishment for his ambition, Bhi'n creates a prison for Níl, the largest realm of all. As the father filled the realm with Nothing, so was it's name. This is Níl. Meaning, "empty" in the tongues of the Gods.