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Mountebank was born in a flourishing city, Vianala, East of Mashangist years prior to the war that would bring that city to the ground. Following the traditions of Mashangist, Mountebank pursued a trade in construction. His family contributed most to an extensive sewer system that was destined to connect to nearby rivers to flush refuse through the city. When Mountebank was nearly fifteen, war broke out. The city, known as Vianala, would be wiped from the face of the planet as armies on either side approached. As the first waves of Mashangisti machinery showed up, Mountebank and several families sealed themselves into the extensive sewer beneath the city. As battles continued to rage overhead and would soon pass by, Mountebank ventured out to find families in need of shelter and bring them back with him. During this time, Mountebank gained a sense for how small he, in fact, was. Throughout his life, the visions of the devastation he witnessed in those early years would set the stage for his desire to gain power and wealth to make himself significant.   At first glance, Mountebank appears to be a lean and handsome man that glides through life with charisma and generosity to spare. However, the cunning and sinister side her wields to maintain control of the Culvert Cachet has few equals. Few within his circles know his history and those that do are bound to him beyond business. Early in life, he achieved a high status that opened doors to society, elites, and knowledge necessary for him to achieve his goals.   Savvy in business, Mountebank came to ownership of the Culvert Cachet when the previous owner, present during the war when the Culvert Cachet was still a shelter, was pushed out of their position of power. Mountebank, leveraging his influence within the Culvert Cachet sought acceptance by the newly formed House of the Lord's to continue operation under his perview. Given acceptance to continue during the early stages of the reformed Mashangisti government, the Culvert Cachet gained a high degree of freedom. Under modern circumstances, it is unlikely that the Culvert Cachet would have received similar freedoms. This example demonstrates Mountebank's cunning.   Speculation surrounding Mountebank is largely centered around his obsession with manaseed, one of the primary components to manufacture elixirs of life. It is said that Mountebank managed, beyond the oversight of the Isfan herbalists, to cultivate a private garden where manaseed is grown. If true, Mountebank could possibly have a greater personal wealth than any of the House Lord's of Mashangist. This could also explain his explicate longevity beyond most of his contemporaries.   While Mountebank is mainly seen during celebrations within the Culvert Cachet, Mountebank has wide collections supplied by various antiquarians throughout the world. His flair for the unique and desire to gain access to the fobidden thigns of the world are perhaps one of the main reasons that the Culvert Cachet continues to florish.
Shoulder length brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
195 Lbs
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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