
Talija is the Second Servant of the High Ashad Isha. She was formerly her general and leader of the Army of Elephants at the time of the Ashcanesh. During the Five Empires period, she was known as the God of Elephants, for this reason. After the establishment of the Amnari Alliance, her support of the High Ashad Isha was integrated into the new organisation as a "Second Servant". However, unlike members of the Lesser Servants, she is an Avatar. She acts as the Ai Ta'Sifra of Temple Fire and High Priestess to those Amnari who consider themselves affiliated with that temple and the Order of Dancers.   Talija is believed to have entered The God Machine during the Crisis of Cir Nacayjil and is a combined being with the deity Sedjetnesre.  

Personal History

  Talija was born and spent her early years in the Empire of Tikhtai, in northwest Iscarion. At some point during the early years of The Rending War, she was captured and enslaved as the Empire of Basat expanded its territories in the hunt for people to feed their engines, support their war effort, or be subjected to Forced Kata Extraction. She was forcibly transferred to Cir Nacayjil, the capital of Basat, when she was around 10 or 11 years old.   At some point in her early teens, Talija was then sold out of the Cir Nacayjil Slave Pits to a House Mother, considered to be potentially worthy of being further sold into one of the major Basati Houses either as a concubine or minor wife. She was then bought up with a number of other young girls by agents of House Mukh on the orders of Gavana Mukhadori. Although they were sold on the understanding that they would hold the rank of Third Wife, they were in fact intended to be used as experimental subjects for Tallat's experiments using The God Machine.   There is some uncertainty around events following this. The next information available is that, as the Empire of Basat collapsed, Talija was part of a final, desperate experiment by Tallat and Gavana Mukhadori to activate the God Machine. While others had been killed when they entered the Machine, Talija was successful and became combined with the Fire Deity Sedjetnesre. She was likely, therefore, to have been responsible for the death of Mukhadori and to have hastened the collapse of the Basati Senate and Empire.   It was only during or soon after these events that she became aware of the presence of the High Ashad Isha in the Keshwari Central Tir and heeded her call to join The Five Nations in the protection of The One Hundred Thousand. Despite her tendency toward aggressiveness, Talija felt kinship with Isha and travelled to Keshwar to support her.  

Role in the Ashcanesh

  By the time Talija reached the Keshwari Central Tir, most of the armies involved in the conflict were moving into The Eastern Desert and surrounding areas. She was able to use the new powers to control Heka, Kata, and Ana to provide profound support to Isha and the others making a stand against the violence inflicted upon them by the Five Empires. She is widely held to have been responsible for the Raising of Duum, when the Duum Canyon was first created, as a protective measure for both the Five Nations and the Hundred Thousand. In the initial stages of the conflict, Talija led an army of elephants to hold off the united armies of the Five Empires, which would allow Isha and the Hundred Thousand to get to safety.   While Isha and the others entered a protective chamber behind the waterfall, Talija remained outside to provide defence alongside
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Nikah and the Shade Army
. She was instrumental in the defeat of the Five Empires army, and the eventual establishment of the Amnari Alliance.
Divine Classification
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Not known
She/her (Keshwari)/Xe/xir (Amnari)
Red, long, tightly curled.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale (semi-albino)
5' 3"
110 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Tithi Luadthong


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