Aliden Blade

Alidensi can be included when forging sword-like weapons created what is referred to as Aliden Blades. Such weapons inherit the magical properties of the Alidens used. The blades give off the same magic aura as the Alidens used.
Only sword-like weapons of sufficient blade length (around 3 ft) may be made as an Aliden Blade. This list includes bastard swords, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, longswords, rapiers, scimitars, and two-bladed swords. Construction of Aliden Blades that have multiple blades may require that multiple Alidensi are used, one for each blade that is affected. If multiple Alidensi are in a single weapon, for whatever reason, they must all be the same alignment, if not, the magic of the Alidensi fight and is not transferred to the blade. Forging additional tusks into a single blade does not make the blade stronger.

Item type
Weapon, Melee


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