Dragon Tusk Village

The tribe known as Green Claw is one of the five lizardman tribes that lives in the wetlands of what they call the Great Lake.   While all of the lizardmen tribes naturally see that the strongest and fittest survive, the tribesmen from Dragon Tusk see strength as everything. They are considered to be the most savage of the tribes, willing to use violence to solve any dispute if given the chance. However, they do have an appreciation for finer things other than battles, such as wine and feasting. The tribe communally possesses one of the Four Lizardmen Treasures, the Great Wine Pot, which serves as a never-ending supply of alcohol.


During the resource war that broke out among the tribes, two tribes remained neutral in the conflict; Red Eye and Dragon Tusk. After the war ended with Green Claw and its allies victory, the survivors of the defeated, Yellow Speckle and Sharp Edge, were later absorbed into Dragon Tusk.
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